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" i still get a little scared

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" i still get a little scared

of something new

but i feel a little safer

when i'm with you

falling doesn't

feel so bad when

i know you've fallen

this way too   "


How quiet, reserved, delicate little Robbie had managed to become so close with loud and rambunctious Flash, no one was sure. Next-door-neighbors and best friends, Flash Thompson and Robbie Oliver were inseparable. They knew everything about each other- not that there was much too know, because they were both seven, but the friendship was remarkable.

Then there was that one secret, the one secret Flash had never told anybody and made Robbie promise not to say: that the bruises on his back and arms, covered by his shirt, were made his dad.

Robbie, being only seven, didn't know what to do, and promised to keep it a secret. But torn to pieces by worry for his best friend, he confessed the secret to his parents. Things ended the way you'd imagine they would- the Thompson's moving states away to New York City, and Robbie losing his best- and only- friend.

Fast forward twelve years, and the blip is fresh in everyone's minds. Flash's father's ten year prison sentence is over, and while Flash thought he would be out of the house by then, he still has another year.

Moving back up to New Hampshire, Flash doesn't even consider that Robbie Oliver- that quiet little kid who used to be his best friend- will still be there, next door.

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