I never thought my state of mind could affect someone else. Your sister noticed how my semi-cheerful self seems to be disappearing. I didn't want to tell her that I was falling back into my depressive state. So I snapped at her, forcefully reassuring her that I was fine and demanding that she stopped asking me.
I still don't know why I did that.
We didn't speak for a few days. I spent my time wallowing in self pity and sadness instead. Then I got a call from your mum.Your sister had swallowed half a bottle of pills and was rushed to hospital.
I'm destroying your family, Gray. A near death and a possible death occurred within 6 months. All because of me.Please just give me a sign Grayson. A sign telling me if you're dead or alive. Please. So I can end my suffering, in one way or another. I can't wait anymore Grayson. You know how impatient I am.
Please hurry.-Mads