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its sunday afternoon. you just got home from church and u are really bored. you log into ur roblox account and tell ur mom before closing the door "happy sunday, God bless". u go to roblox and find a new game made by xXdestroyerXx. for some unknown reason, ur instantly drawn to that specific game that randomly popped up on ur recommended. u join the game which is called 'Boys and Girls Hangout'. you start playing the game because ur minecraft boyfriend broke up with u. you join the game, and type in "hi". only one person notices u, his name is _jerico_ but he changes his name a lot using his 1,000,000 robux, he says "oh hey" and i say "where u at, i wanna meet up". he says he's at the swimming pool. for some strange reason he makes u feel the way ur ex minecraft boyfriend made u feel before. u go to him and he's surprisingly handsome. u take a screenshot to mark the first tims u guys might as he's fighting with some random indian dude named danish.

u say "whats up, wanna be my sugar daddy"

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u say "whats up, wanna be my sugar daddy". he replies "whats a sugar daddy im only 14 and in from canada". u thought to myself oh an innocent, attractive (in roblox), 14 year old would be a good replacement for my ex minecraft boyfriend who i was with for 2.8 years. u lied "oh, its just another meaning for boyfriend". he replies "oh yea sure". behind ur phone, u smile. ur mom thinks ur watching another meme. ur dad thinks that ur watching one of ur friends suck dick. ur sister thinks that ur watching her suck dick. but u werent watching any of those. u were watching urself get a new boyfriend. ur new found bf replies "hey y/n wanna rent a house together". its so early on in the relationship tho. it has only been 3.5 seconds since we started dating and he already wants me to move in with him. im starting to have a bad feeling abt this relationship. u feel like he would be very clingy since he wants to move in at this moment. he starts fighting with that danish dood because im taking too long to respond. ur rethinking all of ur decisions in life. why did u do this? are u this desperate? are u this horny? do u miss ur minecraft boyfriend already? thoughts keep floating around ur head. u friend him and he accepts immediately and u say "lets talk abt this in private chat i have to go", he says "alright babe". babe. why did he call u babe already. its only been 5 minutes into the relationship. u start panicking and crying. ur mom knocks on ur door and tells u to shut the frik up because ur getting annoying. why would he put so much pressure on u like that. is this how it would be like before? u were always the one messaging ur minecraft boyfriend first and he always said ok, whatever, ye, etc. suddenly ur dad tells u its time for dinner. and u turn off ur phone

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