| 1 | Fever | K.TH

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A sigh escaped my lips, as I leapt onto the couch with a groan. Exhausted was I? Something more then that. Practically feeling as if someone reached their hand into my soul and just took my breath away.

I sat there, letting the time pass by slowly before me.

"Taehyung, go take a shower," Jin hummed, patting my chest as I arose from the couch. 'Do I have to?' I said with a sniff for dramatic effect.

"Yeah, you're sweaty. You gotta do, what you gotta do, Tae," Jin chuckles, as I walk along the hall to Namjoon and my room.

Namjoon was spread out on his bed in a large sweater and shorts. His hair was wet, and a towel was under his head on the pillow. Not gonna lie to myself; he looked cute like that there.

Sitting up, he gave me a look, "you still haven't showered?" Observing me closely, I nodded back at him. I grab my hoodie and sweats from the closet, and I walk into the washroom without another word. My voice being strained enough, it hurt to speak. It hurt to laugh. It'll come back soon enough.

I lock the door before I forget, and place a towel on the sink top, placing my clothes pile atop of it. I turn on the water, and wait for it to heat up as I run my hand along it. Strangely, I feel cold. Usually after hours of practice I feel overheated and tired. Not cold.

Finally, satisfied with the temperature, I step into the shower with slight hesitation. The boiling hot liquid touches my ice cold skin, and I let out a whimper at the pain of the heat. It felt good, but yet so bad. I ruffle my hands through my blue coloured hair, mixing in the shampoo afterwards.

Me being me, I get it directly in my eyes. "Dang it," I murmur, rubbing my eye with the palm of my hand. It stung like a bitch, but it isn't the first time this has happened to me. It is pretty simple to get the shampoo in your eye, but it is still a pain to deal with. Even with an ice cold body, that is aching too; I still manage to be annoyed by the most ordinary pain.

I whine as I turn the water to a hotter degree. I rub in some body wash. It doesn't hurt to be clean, for the most part.

I step out, glaring at my body in the mirror as I dry it off with a peach coloured towel. I shake my head, little blades of water shooting along the floor. I gulp, as I wipe them off with my towel. That was stupid, but hey; it's only water anyhow.

I chuckle at myself, and slip on into my warm clothes. I comb my hair briefly, and smile lightly at myself in the mirror. My body lets out a chill, and I nod at me in the mirror to confirm that I'm done. It's a habit, I guess.

I exit the washroom, and place my laundry into the cylinder shaped basket alongside the washroom door. Namjoon gives me a little thumbs up, and lays back onto his pillow as he stares up at the ceiling. Lost in his thoughts? Maybe. Just tired and trying to concentrate now? More likely then not.

I shiver again, and grunt at the constant cold feeling that has been overcoming me ever since we left the studio for today. "Something wrong?" Namjoon asked, turning his head towards me.

I flick off the lights in the room, and hop onto my bed as if in seconds scorpions could be swarming the floor area. I'm not going to take my chances at that! I already feel cold, and my eyes are stinging still from the heap of shampoo I let out on them.

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