The Queen

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Hey lovely readers! I've been on a roll lately eh? Below is a pic of Quinn Shunkaha and Cenric Fenrisson. A little change from all the beauty shots of our fave Luna Lily. Enjoy! Please comment and vote! 

 Enjoy! Please comment and vote! 

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Lily stood at Damien's side as they watched two massive Harley Davidson Motorcycles pull up

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Lily stood at Damien's side as they watched two massive Harley Davidson Motorcycles pull up. Both bikes were seriously souped up and kitted for off-roading. Either their pack had a mechanic or they had tons of money for custom bikes. The woman got to the parking area first, halting right next to Lily's now inherited beat-up Chevy. The man was close second parking next to her. 

Cenric Fenrisson got off his bike and took his helmet off quickly, sitting it on the seat of his bike. and immediately stalking towards Damien. There was something so feral about him that it set Lily on edge. He was a bit scruffy with dirty blond hair and classic masculine features, high cheekbones and a high forehead with full lips. He was attractive, but in her opinion, he had nothing on Damien. 

Damien began stalking towards Cenric and they circled each other a few times before meeting in a bone-crushing hug. Lily couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. Then she noticed a woman who could only be Luna Quinn and Cenric flew out of her mind. 

How had this female not been the first thing to capture Lily's attention? The power rolling off of her rivaled Damien and Cenric's own, far outstripping Lily's wolf. She had olive toned skin with a trim but muscular build, like an athlete while still managing to look feminine with her hourglass figure, full lips, and big dark liquid eyes. 

Quinn's cheekbones were wide and high, her eyes slightly slanted and she had an earthy beauty that heavily hinted at Native American blood. She gave off a sense of mystical energy and mystery. She stood with her back straight and such authority in her eyes that Lily very nearly showed the woman her neck in submission. It took a great deal of willpower not to. This wasn't just a Luna. This was a freaking Queen to be feared and obeyed. 

Quinn noticed Lily looking at her and gave her the same appraising look that Lily was giving her, finally walking over to stand next to her. They both watched as Damien and Cenric talked to each other in quiet voices, a conversation just between them. 

"Thank you for taking us in, Luna Lily." Quinn murmured, observing the niceties carefully. Lily smiled warmly at her and offered her hand for a shake. 

"You're more than welcome, Luna Quinn. The Tundra Pack has been looking forward to the visit, especially with so many of the females expecting pups. I've been told the presence of two Alpha pairs is considered auspicious." 

"It is. When are you due?" Lily chuckled at Quinn's mistake. 

"Oh, I'm not expecting, just a lot of the females in the pack are." Quinn cocked her head and smirked. 

"I can promise you, you are expecting. It's very recent, but I can smell the pheromones beginning to change inside of you. Damien would have noticed in a day or two and begun to suspect." Quinn's face was dead serious. "I just tend to pick these things up more quickly than others." 

Lily's eyes widened in shock and her hands flew to her stomach. 

"I'll be damned." She muttered. Quinn laughed at the expression on Lily's face "Don't tell Damien okay? I want to see if Amara can tell me if its a boy or a girl."

"Who is Amara?" 

"She's the pack healer. She's also a witch." Quinn nodded as if that were common enough. 

"You're secret is safe with me, but don't wait too long to tell him, or you're secret will tell itself." 

"Thank you for telling me, Quinn." 

"No problem, Lily." The men shifted into wolf form and took off without so much as a by your leave, making both women blink in surprise. 

"Well, that was rude," Lily growled. Quinn chuckled. 

"They'll be back in no time." 

"In the meantime did you want some tea or coffee?" 

"I'd love a coffee. This timezone thing is messing with me." She murmured. Lily laughed, remembering that it hadn't really caused her any issues. Maybe Quinn wasn't her better in all things. This vulnerability in the other Luna made Lily feel slightly more confident. She prepared the coffee and once they were situated she sat down opposite Quinn at the kitchen table. 

"So, what is the name of your pack?" She asked. 

"The Dark Moon Dogs." Quinn smiled fondly. "We are the first and only pack made up entirely of rogue wolves. Well, I guess none of us are rogue anymore." She shrugged her shoulders and Lily saw the latent strength in them. "We are a mercenary pack. Mostly we take out tyrannical, mate sick, or insane alphas. It's a nasty job, but someone has to do it, and at least we do it with honor." 

"I would imagine it's hard to do what you do," Lily said after a moment's consideration. "You have to take care of the dregs of werewolf society, do the dirty deeds that no one wants to do but everyone knows needs to be done. You protect people who wouldn't dare do what you do. It has to weigh on you to kill an Alpha who's lost it because his mate has passed. It's not his fault he's insane from it. The mate bond is crazy." Quinn smiled and this time her eyes sparkled with it. 

"You know, your okay Lily. You are one of the very few people who understood what we do right off the bat instead of rushing to judgment. There is honor in what we do. Thank you for seeing that." Lily grinned shyly. 

"You aren't so bad yourself." Was this the beginning of a beautiful friendship? 

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