A very Threatning Expirence

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"I chose for that arrow to not hit you" Sequoia said walking towards the cabin "I thought this place was a place for no shrimpy fragile people but guess i was wrong"

"How are you here" I said

"Daughter of Artemis" Sequoia Said proudly

"I thought she was an eternal maiden" I said very confused

"I get that a lot and my answer is isn't Athena a eternal maiden??"

"You have a point pal"

You must be wondering how i know Sequoia Woods?

We have been best friends since 6th grade and we have been close since then.

After she left the school to "Transfer to a prestigious School" I have been hanging with Brian more than usual.

"listen i don't know what you are doing here this camp is not for shrimpy kids"

"as i have seen..."

"You gotta be tough you'r powers on point everything in check. don't get caught Lacking. And watch out for-"

That's when a horn blew

"watch out for what?"

I turned she was gone

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