| Distant Love | ...

52 1 1

... Crowley x Aziraphale || Good Omens


Thanks to the co-owner for helping me... a lot hehe uwu (< idk)


Two Months After Armageddon 

They both lay awake that night, in separate beds, separate rooms, and separate houses. Holding in every feeling they had towards each other. They could never know. They could never tell the other. The demon Crowley had his head laid on his pillow, earphones in, blasting Queen, as usual for him. A glass of alcohol sat on his bedstand. 

Over at the bookshop, Aziraphale was sat down on the edge of his bed, his mind itching at his thoughts. The house was silent, but everything seemed to give the angel a headache. The small creaks of the floorboard, the ticking of the clock, the fan blowing in the corner of the room, the millions of thoughts about Crowley running through his mind. " Gosh darn it! " he screamed, dropping his head into his hands.

" What am I going to do? " Aziraphale asked himself, dropping down onto the bed. He sighed and looked up to the ceiling, wondering what in God's name was going through his mind. Crowley was filling up all of his thoughts; the singular thought wouldn't dissipate. " I cannot. I cannot like him. I simply can not! He is a devil and I am an angel. "


The Next Day

The angel and the demon woke up, separate houses, separate times, but one similar thought - eachother.

The demon rushed to his phone, immediately dialling Aziraphale's number. The angel walked over to his phone while stretching his back. He hesitated at first, ' Who could be calling at this hour? ' he thought, his hand grabbed the phone and pulled it up to his ear. 

" Hello? " He answered, timidly and yawning. He rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and awaited a reply.

" Hey Angel... " Came from the other end of the line in a flirtatious tone.

" Crowley! H-hi! " Aziraphale said back to the demon. He tried to walk to a more secluded place inside his home, but alas, he could not. The phone cable prevented it. He could feel his cheeks heating up. 

" So, I was wondering if you're free later. Ritz? " The demon offered.

" S-sure. What t-time? " 

" Erm~ Five... ish? I'll pick you up? " Crowley said, trying to mask his excitement.

" Happily! See you then! " Aziraphale said before hanging up the phone. He did a little happy dance around his house; was this really happening, or was someone making this happen to say thank you for preventing the world's end?

The timid angel immediately rushed to get ready, silently stressing about what he was going to wear. He really wanted to impress the demon; it's not like he doesn't do that anyway. He washed up, showered, and laid a few outfits on his bed. Aziraphale had put out a casual outfit, his usual suit and a fancier suit. They all had similar colour tones; beige, light blue, whites and pastel green. The casual outfit consisted of a white polo t-shirt, light blue jeans and a beige jacket. The fancier suit was a pastel green shirt, a cream blazer, and a beige tie, complete with beige trousers. The phrase ' What do I choose? ' rushed through his mind, over and over and over. He decided on the casual wear; he thought it was best to show Crowley what he normally is like, rather than the act he puts on normally. By the time everything was decided, it was 10 am, and he made the choice to open up the shop for a couple hours. 


Later on, the demon Crowley rolled up in front of the building, beeping the horn when he was parked as a sign to Aziraphale. The angel came rushing out, almost forgetting to lock up behind him. He stumbled into the car and greeted Crowley smiling, " Hello. "

" Hey there Angel. " the demon replied, grinning at the blushing angel. His face was slowly becoming the colour of a tomato, and he looked down to his lap to hide it. Crowley glanced over and smirked. 

They turned the corner, and flames burned high above Ritz. Aziraphale looked in fear, and Crowley frowned, but knew it was his chance to impress the one he felt so much for. He ran out of the car, as Aziraphale looked with shock, and cried after him " Crowley, what.. what are you doing your going to get hur..! " He was cut off by Crowley, running towards the blazing inferno, " It's going to be okay Aziraphale! " 

The demon entered the flaming building, searching everywhere for people who could be in danger. He knew, of course, that he was in slight danger himself, and was doing a good deed, but it was all to impress... his angel. His angel. 

Aziraphale jumped out of the car and helped out the people who had already escaped. Their bodies were covered in burns and blisters. He miracled them away, and helped them to find whoever they were with. Crowley was rushing inside, checking everyone was out; starting in the kitchen, then the eating area and then the washrooms.  

Everyone was outside by now, and Crowley rushed out too, a couple burns on his arms and face. Aziraphale ran up to him and pulled him aside; " Now what what that for ?! " The angel shouted.

" I was helping them ! " The demon pointed to the crowds of people.

" You could've died ! " Aziraphale spat back.

" What do you even care Angel ? I'm a demon for god's sake. " He muttered, " Can't believe I said that... ugh. "

" I do care ! B-because I love you ! " Aziraphale covered his mouth, turning around, bright red in the face.

"  Yo-you what? " Crowley said, wide-eyed at the blushing angel, " Az... " 

The angel looked up, covering his face up to hide the blatant fact that he was blushing. Crowley reached up to move away the angel's hands from his face. 

" Anthony, I'm sorry, it slipped out. For goodness sake, I'm sor- " Aziraphale's words were stopped by the demon's lips being pressed against his. When the miracle ended, he wanted to return the ' favour ' , but held himself against it. He stood there shocked, staring up at the taller demon. 

" I love you too, angel. " The demon whispered, moving the hair from Aziraphale's face to the side, and staring down with love glowing from his eyes.


If anyone could suggest ideas, I'd happily take them, :)

- Ellie

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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