2 questions for the Ninja.

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Espio: *reads his questions*

Vector: Hey, Espio! Whatcha doing?

Espio: I'm busy reading these questions from Laserrepellent.

Vector: oh, alright. I'm heading to the store with the six kids. Apparently we need to get more food due to the extra mouths to feed. Oh. Almost forgot, please don't get into a fight with Mighty like last time. I don't wanna pay for another couch.

Espio: don't worry, I won't.

Vector: *slightly doesn't believe him* Alright... *Leaves with Chara, Frisk, Asriel, Charmy, Saffron, and Ionic.*

Espio: in truth, I'm 16 years of age. and I'm a Chameleon, the Master of disguise. If you're wondering why I'm normally purple all the time, it's because I've trained myself so the issue of me as a Walking, talking rainbow doesn't happen again. (Well, not as often...)

Me: *Overheard the whole thing* Ok! Let's go find another question to answer! Bye bye!

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