Stay With Me

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The next morning
Zy's pov
I was excited I never thought this day would come I finally get to see my baby again. B and I loaded up the car we had 9 hours of driving ahead of us knowing Cara's pregnancy and Alaina getting frustrated we were gonna have to make a lot of stops. "We ready B?" I asked "yeah we just gotta get the girls and we can go pick up mama" he said. Y'all thought we forgot about mama, no we didn't she's in on the whole operation get Yanna. We just have to pick her up bc we're gonna need her to drive I have to take care of Alaina and B has to control his crazy ass babymomma lol. "I'm so excited I miss Yanna so much" Cara said "we all do" I said we all got in the car so we could go get mama and start this road trip.
Yanna's pov
I woke up the next day to the smell of breakfast she throw down at breakfast and dinner wonder what she does for lunch lol. I got up brushed my teeth and put on this robe she gave me she had a lot of things that she never used so she gave them to me. I went downstairs and seen Aj, and Nova "where's Candice?" I asked "she's still sleeping would you mind getting her for me dear" she asked. "Not a problem" I said going back upstairs to Candice's room she was sleeping in her crib I just looked at her that's gonna be me and my baby soon I started to smile when she started to move. I picked her up surprisingly she didn't cry "rise and shine pretty you ready to eat" I asked her. She instantly got happy "I'll take that as a yes" I said laughing I brought her downstairs "look who's up" I said putting her into she highchair. "Hey sweetheart I know your starving just like your brothers food is almost ready" she said smiling and I sat down with the kids. I know what your thinking your wondering what they look like well I'll explain Nova the oldest he's a mixed 4 year old he's like caramel that's been drowned with almond milk he's very handsome this is Nova👇🏽

 I know what your thinking your wondering what they look like well I'll explain Nova the oldest he's a mixed 4 year old he's like caramel that's been drowned with almond milk he's very handsome this is Nova👇🏽

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And AJ the middle child he's he more curly hair baby he's only 2 he has the most handsome smile I've ever seen he's a happy baby for sure

Last the baby Candice she's my favorite she's so calm and I already can tell she's gonna have a nasty attitude but she's very beautiful had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen that's a unique blue

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Last the baby Candice she's my favorite she's so calm and I already can tell she's gonna have a nasty attitude but she's very beautiful had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen that's a unique blue

Last the baby Candice she's my favorite she's so calm and I already can tell she's gonna have a nasty attitude but she's very beautiful had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen that's a unique blue

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Aren't they breathtaking 😍😍 we had breakfast and me and granny had a private conversation I never told you guys her name it's grace but I call her granny. "Have you talked to your family?" She asked "yes they are actually coming today so I can see them and get things back on track I'm kinda nervous it's been a long time" I said "don't be dear everything will work out okay trust me" she said I smiled.
Zy's pov
We've had to make 14 stops and we've only been driving for 4 hours never again lol. "Why is it so hot in this car roll down the damn window" Cara said "we can't girl Alaina can't have the much air in the car you know she has asthma" I said. "I'm turning the air on Cara" mama said "thank you mama I'm about to pass out it's to hot and I have to pee" she said "Cara we've stop 1,000 times already can't it wait"B said she looked at B like she was ready to kill him. "Now Cara we've at least have to get closer to Yanna your gonna have to wait baby we're in the middle of nowhere" mama said Cara rolled her eyes "fine I'll hold it" she said "have you thought about what your gonna say to Yanna when you see her" mama asked me I had just fixed Alaina her bottle I was feeding her "no I just wanna hold her before I do or say anything to her I just miss her so much man" I said with my head down "actually I just remembered y'all gender party would y'all still wanna have it" Cara said "yeah actually we should within the next month so we can shop right away" I said "what were the names y'all chose" mama asked. "For a girl we wanted Ava Jade and for the boy we wanted Ace" I said "you don't want a Jr. Zy" she asked "nah I already got a brother with the same name I don't need a son with the same name to" I said "speaking of that how is he doing ma" Cara asked " he's fine he's actually getting out this month" she said "really when were you gonna tell us" I said "surprise" she said laughing.

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