Question from Volt-Diesel

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You know your full name, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza literally translates to I love Cadence in Italian, right?
Yes, it does.
When I first became a princess, Celestia would call me Mi Amore Cadanza.
And, I had no idea what that meant.
I asked her, and she told me, "it's just your full name, or your princess name."
How shocked I was to find it translated to I love Cadance in Italian!
I literally was quite embarrassed, as I had asked everypony to call me 'Mi Amore Cadenza'.
It was only used by Celestia after that, and then when Chrysalis took over, she used Mi Amore Cadenza, so she could feed off love from ponies saying they loved her.
I still want Celestia to stop.

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