Chapter Thirtyone

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*Niall's POV* (Again I want different POV's)

When Harry texted me, and by the sounds of it the other three lads, to come over I was worried. My worry built when Louis answered and he had black circles under his eyes. He looked tired by the way his eyes didn't hold the same brightness and his hair was messily thrown around. 

I walked into the house and saw the others sitting in the living room, they all held the same worried, concerned, look on their faces. Harry and Riley were no where to be seen and that built my worry even more. I took a seat next to Liam on the couch and Louis retutned to Eleanor, who immediately latched on. 

"Harry texted you all, and well, he can't speak at the moment, so he asked me to tell you for him" Louis said sadly. "Last night, Riley woke up in blood, we went to the hospital, but she lost the baby"

All of us gasped. You never want to hear something like this ever, and you never really expect it. 

"What? How?" I was shocked, and I felt my heart tug. I loved Riley, as a friend of course, and hearing this made me feel terrible.

"Just a miscarriage" Louis said, he swallowed down the lump in his throat and continued. "It was horrible, I don't know how they're coping the way they are. Well Harry, he's in there talking to her, or trying to. She just doesn't do anything"

I got up off the couch, all eyes were on me, but I didn't pay attention. I knocked gently on the door and waited. I heard ruffing and feet padding towards me. Harry opened the door and he looked worse then Louis did. He had black circles around his eyes, they were so big it reminded me of raccoon eyes. His hair was dishelved and knotted together and I saw tear stains on his cheeks. 

"I'm so sorry Harry" I said. "I-" I didn't know what else to say.

"Did you want to see her? She could use you, you're her closest friend" 

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude..." he shook his head and stepped back. I quickly entered and ignored the looks the other lads were giving me. "How is she?" 

"She hasn't moved since I brought her in at roughly six" I glanced at the alarm clock on the night stand. It was just after ten in the morning. She hasn't moved for four hours.

"Have you slept?" he shook his head.

"Not since I took her into the hospital. I haven't been able to without worrying about her" I nodded. "Try speaking to her, I haven't got anything from her" he said sadly. 

"What makes you think she'll talk to me?" I asked as I walked toward her. 

"You're her friend, somethings are easier said to friends then partners" I glanced at him quickly, he had a point.

I took a few more steps and knelt down in front of where she lay facing the window on the wall.

"Riley" I whispered. "It's me, Niall. How are you?" I saw her eyes flicker over to me. 

"It's gone, the baby's gone" she said quiet and croakily.

"I know, I heard" I said pushed a hand through her hair.

"It was only three months, but I felt so attached" I nodded. I heard that women carrying babies grew an attachment nearly straight away that's why it's always so hard to get rid of it or lose it, in Riley's case.

"It's okay though, you're okay?" she nodded. 

Riley shifted on the bed and pulled her arms out toward me, I took her hands and let her do what she wanted. She pulled them back and brought me into a light hug. 

Getting Her Love Back 》h.s | o.d  {Sequel To BCWYWF} #2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now