Chapter Thirtytwo

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*Harry's POV*

I was right, I did get mobbed. I made it down to where a local cafe is before people started to swarm me. Cameras flashed and people pushed and shoved me, all I wanted to do then was die.

"Harry can you tell us what happened?"

"Harry did you and Riley really lose your baby?"

"Harry what happened to Riley?"

I couldn't bare the questions, I fell to the ground, my arms over my head and blocked out their questions with my quiet sobs.

I sat in the middle of the path and tried to ignore everyone, but it seemed that the more time I spent there the more people came.

" Harry is everything okay with Riley? "

I ignored them. I don't know how long I can actually stay there before someone comes. No one will come though.

There was a circle around me. People crowding in and invading my personal space, cameras and lights and questions were being shoved in my face. Why wouldn't anyone save me from this?

" Back off! Everyone leave the area now!" a gruff voice said, but everyone stayed. "Leave now otherwise I'll arrest each and everyone of you for harassment" at that everyone backed off.

Who ever it was, I thanked them in my head. They just saved me from being trampled. I have already been humiliated, it won't be long until this is on the news.

"You alright?" The voice asked again. I looked up at him, of course it was a police officer.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" He sighed.

"I guess not" he crossed his arms. "Do you want me to take you home? "

I nodded. I couldn't bare to walk home. A police car would make the news too and management would be furious at me.

" Alright, this way Mr Styles" I climbed into the backseat of the car and he went into the front.

As we took off I couldn't help but ask the question. "How did you know I was there?"

"I was out patrolling and I saw a bunch of people crowding you. Whether or not you were famous or not I had to stop it"

I smiled and thanked him. " Life's been rough lately. I didn't think it would be this stressful... It was good until I got her back in my life"

" Women" the cop laughed. "They have a way of doing that"

" Hmm. I love her so much but I didn't think I'd have to deal with any of the things that I have"

He nodded in agreement and then left the ride silent. When he pulled up I thanked him again and climbed out of the car. I walked into the house and to my surprise Riley wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. She sobbed into my shoulder and apologised continously.

" Harry I am so so sorry" she repeated over and over again.

I pulled her tight and rested my face into her neck. " I'm sorry, its okay though. I love you"

"I love you too" I kissed her softly and she kissed back.


That night in bed we held each other tightly. It was the first night without Riley being pregnant and all I wanted to do was rest my hand on her stomach like before.

Instead I rested it on her hip. Her arms wrapped around my waist and her face was face onto mine. She rubbed noses with me and gently kissed me. Our lips barely touched then didn't, barely touched then didn't.

"Harry, can you rest your hand on my stomach. I - I feel empty"

" Sure baby, anything" I moved my hand down and rested it on her stomach.

" I'm sorry that I lost our baby "

" It's not your fault. Please stop saying that it is" she sighed and and nestled her head into my chest. " Whenever we're ready we can try again. I'm sure it'll happen for us" she nodded.

" I don't think if it were anyone else I could handle this" she explained. "You're keeping me going"

"Its been a long day. And you can be as depressed as you wish. It must be horrible to lose something like that. I felt horrible"

"It was your baby too" she said softly. I hummed and rubbed her stomach. "Where did you get to earlier anyway?"

"Town. Kinda got mobbed by paps. I-I stopped. In the middle of the street and they swarmed me"

"Hey, it's okay baby " she pecked my lips. "It's a hard time, we'll pull through" I nodded. I knew as long as I had her that I could make it through this. 

It wasn't too much longer after that that we fell asleep in each others arms, escaping the cruel harsh world around us, but that didn't seem to stop. the images of recently flooded my dreams. It was amazing how things can turn out differently when you dream about them. 

Riley was pregnant, but further along, she was in hospital giving birth to our child. It seemed like a wonderful moment, but the moment the doctors said the baby was out I knew something was wrong. There was no crying, no sound, no anything. I remember calling out to them for them to answer me but they didn't. They focused on our child. Riley was also in a panic, she wanted to hold her first child, but when they turned around the look said it all. She cried out loud and all I could do was cry into her shoulder as well.  I didn't know what would be worse, to lose your child through the pregnancy or to have a still born. 

I awoke in a cold sweat and Riley looking over at me with worry written over her face.I want all of this to end, not for my sake, but for her sake too. We both need to think clearly, she has school, and I have a tour coming up. This is going to be terrible. 

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Getting Her Love Back 》h.s | o.d  {Sequel To BCWYWF} #2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now