Chap. 3

13 2 17

[Cheka's POV]

I turn around and see her....Isabella.

"Hey Cheka!!!" She says very enthusiastically while running up to me and tackling me into a hug. I just smile like the dork I am and hug her back "Hey Isabellaaaaa" I say extending the last part of her name.

"How're you!!" She asks still very excited as I blush slightly. Just looking at her gives me this effect! "I've been good! How about you?" I ask as she smiles and giggles.

[Isabella's POV]

I smile at Cheka and hold onto her shoulders, accidentally giggling at how red she looks. "I've been good!" I say as I play with her hair. It's so soft and cute, like her!

"Okay girls we don't have all day" I hear Jack say as I grab Cheka's hand and basically drag her inside of Nyla's house.

"Soooo what're we gonna do today?" I ask as I look around and then look at Nyla, realizing I didn't give her a hug. "Oh my gosh!" I exclaim as I run over to her and hug her tightly.

"Finally!" Nyla says playfully and hugs me back. "And we were thinking of maybe watching some movies since it's already so late CHEKA" Nyla says as me, Jack and her look at Cheka.

"Hey! Not my fault I couldn't find my fuzzy pj pants!!" She says as Nyla and her start to laugh. "Okay okay, you got a point but still!" Nyla says back as Cheka does her cute pouting face.

"Awwwww you're poutingggg!" I say as I go back over to Cheka and squish her cheeks together. "Awwwww, Isabella's flirtingggg" Jack says as I blush a bright red.

"Am not!!" I say trying to deny the fact I kinda was as Jack puts that 'oh really?' face on. "Whattttt?" I say as Jack shakes his head . "You were totally flirting there but okay" he says as he looks at Cheka.

"Huh?" Cheka says out of nowhere as everyone busts out laughing. "Wha? What did I miss?" She says cluelessly. She probably zoned out so I wouldn't blame her. "Well, now it's Clueless Cheka" Jack says as Cheka shakes her head quickly.

"No!! It's Turkey!!" She says as Jack smiles and nods. "Okay then, Turkey" he says as I look at the both of them confused. "What?" I say partially laughing still.

"It's something Jack made up, apparently my new name? Or did I just rename myself that?" Cheka asks herself as Jack shakes his head again. "You truly are clueless" he says as Cheka nods in agreement.

"Well? What movie are we gonna watch??" Nyla says breaking the silence as Cheka jolts. "Backyardigans!!" She says as I start laughing once again.

"Not on the list?" She says as Nyla slowly shakes her head. "No, not on the list Cheka..." She says holding back her own laughter.

"How about Spongebob?" She asks as Jack shakes his head. "How about a horror movie!!" He says as I stop laughing and shake my head. "NO" me and Cheka both exclaim as I look at her.

"ANYTHING but a horror movie!!" Cheka says seeming a bit scared as Nyla looks at me and her back and forth. "Okay....Horror movie it is! Unless you guys really don't want to?" She asks first as she goes to find a horror movie just in case.

"I mean....I can deal with it?" Cheka says as I just nod in agreement to get it all over with. "Okay then!" Jack says as he sits down on the couch. I sit on the other end, while Cheka sits directly next to me. "Hai" she whispers as I look at her, smiling. "Hi" I whisper back to her as she starts giggling. "You're adorable" I whisper very quietly, or so I thought.

"I am?" Cheka whispers back as I gulp and look at her. "I am what??" I ask trying to act confused. "Adorable?" She says as I laugh awkwardly. "I mean yeah! No homo!!" I say quickly as she nods and stares at the tv, waiting for the movie to come on.

"Okay! Here we goooo!" Nyla says as she sits down. Then, the movie starts and she wasn't joking when she meant horror movie. This movie was the scariest yet. I'm pretty sure, no, I'm positive Cheka was not liking this.

"Hey, you good?" I whisper to her seeing her clearly mesmerized but shaking slightly. "Huh?? Oh! Yeah uhm....I'm fine...!" She whispers back as she looks back at the tv.

'Okay Isabella, here's your chance' I say to myself mentally as I slowly put my arm around Cheka's shoulders. I could feel her tense up but slowly calm down, realizing it's only me.

"Isabella....I need to tell you's important.." I hear Cheka whisper to me as I look at her concerned. "Yes? What's up Cheka?? You okay?" I ask her getting concerned by the second.

Cheka then takes a deep breath and continues. "I.....I don't know how to tell you this but....I....I like you..."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐮𝐠𝐥𝐲, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥Where stories live. Discover now