Chapter 3

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 A/N: Thank you so much @Redbird101 for making me such an amazing cover! I love it so much :))

Large, warm hands shook my shoulders lightly.

‘Rachael.’ Blake’s husky voice whispered ‘It’s time to wake up.’

I squeezed my eyes tightly, in an attempt to fall back asleep, and ignored him. He gently shook my shoulders again.

‘Can you hear me?’ He whispered slightly louder.

‘No.’ I groaned ‘go away’

He chuckled.

I felt the pinch of icy cold air as my duvet was pulled off of me. I opened my eyes a fraction, instantly regretting it. Bright light streamed into my room through the slits in my now opened blinds. I quickly squeezed my eyes closed again. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the harsh morning light. Opening my eyes fully I saw the back of Blake’s retreating figure.

‘Breakfast is in 10.’ He called out, exiting my room and making his way downstairs.

Scrambling out of bed I slipped into a pair of fluffy, white slippers before quickly following him down the stairs. As I entered the kitchen I was suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of chaos.

My mother and Mrs Anderson bustled quickly around the kitchen, serving up breakfast and washing dishes. Through the large, wooden arched window at the front of the house I could my father and Mr Anderson standing in the overgrown driveway, hauling luggage into the trunk of the car.

I stared at the commotion for a few more seconds before snapping out of my daze and quietly taking a seat at the kitchen island beside Blake.

‘Good morning honey.’ My mother called out, rushing to place a bowl of cereal in front of me.

‘Thanks mum.’ I said, smiling up at her.

Making her way swiftly around the kitchen island she planted a gentle kiss on my cheek, before turning her attention to a pile of waiting dishes.

‘Where’s Amanda?’ I questioned, curiously as I stirred my spoon through my cereal.

I awaited a response but the adults all seem too preoccupied to provide me with one.

I sighed.

‘She left early this morning.’ Blake responded, before taking a sip of his orange juice.

‘Oh…um thanks…’ I muttered, unintelligently.

Shocked that he had responded, I gave him a small sideways glance. His shaggy brown hair was pushed back messily, one lock hung loosely across his forehead. Pushing it behind his ear, he turned his attention to me, our eyes locking, before I quickly averted my gaze. Embarrassed that he had caught me staring I quickly returned to eating my cereal quietly. I heard a small chuckle next to me. I looked across at Blake who was chewing on a piece of toast with a small smirk playing on his lips.

‘What?’ I questioned with a small frown.

He turned to face me, staring at me with his dark brown eyes.

I gulped.

‘I was just noticing how cute you look in your Pyjamas.’ He responded, his smirk growing.

I looked down at what I was wearing and felt the heat rush to my cheeks, instantly regretting my choice of sleepwear.

I wore a pink long sleeve top and a pair of Alice in Wonderland shorts that my Aunty had gotten me for Christmas the year before. Groaning inwardly I turned back to my cereal, letting a curtain of hair shield my face. I hoped that this would hide my deepening blush, oh how I was wrong.

‘You’re cute when you blush.’ He commented with a soft, husky chuckle, before turning his attention back to the half-eaten piece of toast, lying on the plate in front of him.

Opening my mouth to respond I was stopped short by the sudden realization that I didn’t know what to say. I never knew how to reply to compliments as I wasn’t the sort to receive all that many. He looked across at me, his eyes full of amusement, lightly shaking his head at my bright red face. I wished that the floor would have opened up and swallowed me whole, as my cheeks turned an even deeper shade of crimson.

I was extremely grateful when my brother suddenly came bounding down the stairs, standing in the kitchen doorway. His sandy blonde hair was tussled and he rubbed his eyes groggily. He sat down next to me, eating a piece of toast that my mother placed in front of him. I sent Blake one last quick sideways glance before we finished out breakfast in silence.


My father stacked the last of the luggage into the trunk of the Anderson’s car. Mrs and Mr Anderson said their farewells before climbing into their little, red Honda civic, as they were driving separately to the airport. I watched the red car make its way down the narrow driveway, mostly covered by overgrown small yellow flowers and moss, before disappearing around the corner.

I crawled into the tightly packed backseat between my brother and Blake. I wriggled around in the small middle seat hoping to find a comfortable position, with no such luck. Finally giving up I sighed, resting my head against the cool leather seat and turned my vision towards the car window, fogged up over the cold night.

The car made a soft humming sound, as it came to life. Warm air flowed through the vents, slowly heating the bitter cold car. Perching my feet on the edge of my seat I tightly wrapped my arms around my legs, pulling them firmly to my chest.

The early morning sun was an array of vibrant yellows and oranges across the horizon. The soft light seeped through the dense tree line of the evergreen forest, flickering across the dark leafy branches. 

Closing my eyes, I listened to the soft hum of the car engine and the quite murmuring of my parents. I lent my face towards the roof of the car and it wasn’t long before I was enveloped into sleep.

Pressing my head into the seat of the small rental car, I clutched my ears in pain as they popped once more. I let out a long groan of frustration. My forehead had a light sheen of sweat across it as the humid Hawaiian air flowed through the open car windows. The flight had been awful. A combination of crying babies, lack of sleep and a painful descent had left me with a new-found dislike towards aeroplanes.

The car came to an abrupt stop, momentarily jolting me forward d causing my head to knock into the seat in front of me. My brother snickered beside me and I retaliated, hitting his shoulder lightly. Placing a hand on my, now bruised, forehead I sighed deeply and turned my attention out of the car window.

The cat had stopped out the front of a beautiful white stone Vila, lined by tall pal trees. The entrance was a large archway with a black iron gate. Disbelievingly I continued to stare at the place i was supposedly calling 'home'. 

I tried the word in my head a few times before softly whispering it to myself.


A small smile slowly spread onto my lips. Prehaps this holiday wouldn't be so desasterous after all.

A/N: This chapter was a bit rushed so i'm sorry if their are any mistakes, i'll try to edit it in the next few weeks.

Thank you once again to all of the people that sent in covers for this story, they were all so amazing and it was very tough to choose.

If you have any suggestions for the story just comment or send me a message. 

Love you guys xoxo




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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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