The Blair Witch Project

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While the notion of "found footage" wasn't anything new at the time, The Blair Witch Project was still able to fool people into think it was real, mostly due to the internet.

The internet had just started gaining popularity and the directors, Daniel Myrick and Edward Sanchez, took advantage of it. They created a website dedicated to the characters they made up, Heather, Josh and Mike. They even created an entire journal that was suppose to be written by Heather and posted it on the website. And since the journal entries were written by the directors in view of Heather it is considered canon.

It had so many fooled that the parents of the actors got condolences from people who watched The Blair Witch Project.

Now for those who don't know what movie I'm talking about, The Blair Witch Project is about Heather, who is a film student doing a documentary. She enlists Josh to help her, who gets Mike to help them. They go out into the haunted woods to shoot some documentary shit and presumably get killed by a supernatural force.

So what's the theory? It's unknown who really thought of this theory but it gained momentum when Film Theory covered it. The theory is that there was no supernatural force. To put it in Matt's terms, The Blair Witch is a work of fiction within a work of fiction. And it was all a plan to get Heather killed. Who killed her? None other than Mike and Josh.


I don't think it says it in the movie, not that I remember anyway, but Heather wasn't going to pay either Mike or Josh for helping her. This is revealed in the journal. Would you go out into the woods for a week that they say is haunted while it's cold for literally no pay? Probably not. If my friend approached me and wasn't going to pay me I would have said no.

But yet, Mike and Josh, who know they aren't getting anything, still agree to do it. And sure you might be thinking, "well that's what friends do." But here is the thing, Heather didn't know Mike and according to the journal entries, her relationship with Josh wasn't the best. So why would they just agree to help when they get nothing?


Heather planned the entire thing. Mike said the map "looks like Greek to him." So you would think Heather would be leading the group, but in nearly every video of them walking, Mike and Josh are in front as if they already know where hey are going. And when they were done shooting she lost any and all control about where she was headed through smart and not necessarily subtle manipulations. When walking back the guys would stop and tell Heather that they don't recognize where they are at and question her even though she explained the routes they took to get there were the straightest ways there, but now this was the straightest way back to the car, which was only a few hours away.

Even though Heather hadn't gotten them lost before, they question her and refuse to walk in that direction.

The last time we that we see the map Heather had it, but on film you can see Josh demanding the map. The next day the map is gone and Heather keeps saying that she gave it to Josh. Josh denies this but it's a pretty good bet that an emotional Heather gave Josh the map after he kept yelling and demanding it from her.

Now imagine, you are in the woods that are said to be haunted by a witch. You start hearing strange noises at night. The map is mysteriously gone. You probably wouldn't joke around as if nothing was wrong, but that is exactly what Josh and Mike did. Their mood changed so abruptly and drastically that even Heather took notice and found it suspicious.

Moments after his Mike reveals that he kicked the map into the lake because "it was useless." This means Mike stole it from Heather while she was sleeping or Heather was right and she gave to to Josh, who in turn gave it to Mike.

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