Chapter 5: A Familiar Face

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Dammit Munchlax! May looked at her pokéball. You ruined my moment!

Ash got up from where he was. His back was covered with sand. "Damn sand reached my back!" He angrily swept his back.

"Pika pi" Pikachu sadly said.

"Eev eevee" agreed an Eevee.

"Well it's umm getting late Ash" May looked at Ash.

"Huh?" Ash confused for a second. "Oh yeah, we should probably check into a hotel."

"Good Idea," May headed towards Eevee's pokeball. "C'mon Eevee return please."

After they packed all the stuff, Ash and May headed towards the city once more this time to find a hotel. Lilycove City Hotel, was the name of the well the hotel. They went in.

"Hey Ash," May said as they both entered the Hotel. "I'm gonna use the Ladies room. You go on ahead at the reception table."

"Ok" Ash and Pikachu headed ahead.

As Ash was headed there he noticed a familiar face in the hotel's lobby. "Mom?"

"Ash?" The red head said. "My baby boy!"

Ash received a big hug from his mother. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I started to get bored back at home kiddo," his mother was smothering her child. "I needed a little vacation."

"Who's watching the house?" Ash's mother finally let go of him.

"Well Mr. Mime but also Professor Oak and occasionally Tracy" his mother replied.

"Oh that's nice of them" Ash said.

"Oh I just told them watch my house or..." his mother was thinking.

"Or what?" Ash did not like the evil presence that came out of his mother.

"Or I won't make them anymore pastries!" She said.

"And here I thought it was going to be something horrible" Ash suggested.

"Well at first I did tell them if they valued their lives.." His mother said.

"Mom..." Ash glanced at her.

May finally got out of the bathroom and from her distance she saw Ash and an older woman talking. Is that his mother? May initially thought. Oh god what if she doesn't like me? Wait Ash and me aren't even dating... at the moment. So I'm safe.. but she will become my in-law when me and Ash get married! May walked towards them. Nervously.

"Oh hey May," Ash greeted. "You remember my mom don't you?"

"Oh hi Ms. Ketchum" May shook hands with her.

"Oh please call me Delia" she suggested.

"Oh ok" May smiled trying to make a first impression.

Delia glanced. "Oh so this is the girl you were talking about."

"Ehh what?" Both May and Ash was astonished.

"Don't give me that look," she chuckled. "When is your wedding? Why wasn't I invited?"

"Ehh I'm just gonna go to the bathroom here so bye" Ash and Pikachu ran towards the bathroom, hoping his mother or May did not see his intense blush.

Both May and Delia saw Ash dash away.

"I was just just joking," Delia still chuckled. "Still I can see my boy really likes you May."

"Ehh really?" May couldn't believe Delia said that.

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