turning UP!

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Ever notice when you're on the bus and every time a kid gets on, they add more loudness? and I'm like please shut up!

Thank God I have my music because I don't know what I would do. If I wasn't quiet I would probably stand up and scream and.. and..uhhh well you get the point.

But like always you always have that one guy or girl that REALLY CAN NOT SHUT UP! well here comes Alice the one who wears her clothes too tight, fas, big-mouthed, and irritating!

Now me being Tina, I try to be friends with everyone but like sometimes I learn that the hard way anyway as she walked to her seat her big hips like always in people's face. I'm not a hater and of course I wouldn't like her after one time...

there I was sitting in my seat listening to my music and I go to look up and BAM! I get blasted in the face with Kool-aid. Man was I steamed as she told me it was an accident in a "I really don't care voice" and walked off. I don't know why I didn't do anything but I got a feeling that day will come...

She is too immature to be a 7th grader but hey that's nun of my business.

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