Chapter 11: We've Got You

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My pencil tapped erratically on the desk in front of me, my eyes not able to focus on the math problems staring up at me. The pop quiz had offered little to distract me from the way my nerves seemed to be on fire inside my body. Someone's pencil lead snapped on the far side of the room, the sound seeming to magnify to a defining crack in the silence. It took every ounce of self control I had not to jump out of my chair. Everything seemed like so much ever since-

The bell rang. Before anyone else had managed to put their pencils down, I was slapping my finished quiz on the teacher's desk and zipping out into the hallway. This suffocating feeling had been gripping at my throat since I pulled into the school parking lot this morning and only seemed to be intensifying with each second. I had never felt like this before,

When I turned the corner, a pair of cold eyes froze me in my tracks. If the devil himself were to be walking the earth, he would have been in the skin of one auburn haired creep. Axel gave me an almost murderous smile amidst all the other students before vanishing as he tended to do.

I didn't have time to think about it, though, as my stomach seemed to have plans of its own. With every ounce of restrain I had, I threw myself into the bathroom and managed to make it to a stall before puking in the toilet. My head was pounding with the sounds of hallway commotion and my body was shivering despite the fact that I felt like I was melting alive.

My hands gripped the sides of the toilet with as much strength as I could manage. Something was obviously wrong with me, but what? Had I caught something from my...midnight stroll? I wanted to slap myself. If by midnight stroll I meant streaking through the woods in the middle of the night and waking up with marks all over my body, then yea, that's exactly what happened.

"Caden," a voice broke through my foggy mind. "You weren't looking so good back there." Fucking Axel. He was taunting me, no doubt hoping to get some revenge for the beating he'd gotten last week.

I could barely open my eyes, let alone try to fight the guy. Three solid bangs on the stall door told me he'd found my hiding place

"Fuck off Axel." My voice was weak and small. What the hell was happening to me? I'd never felt like this before, never been so...afraid. No. That wasn't the right word. This was something deeper, something almost instinctual, as if my DNA it's self were cowering from a predator.

Three loud bangs on the stall door told me he was, in fact, not going to fuck off. I had to get myself together. Despite whatever condition my body may be in, my pride practically had a mind of its own and it wasn't going to hide behind a locked door from that creep.

Before I could take a deep breath in one last attempt to clear my mind, there was a low growl from outside the stall that had the air in my lungs stilling. The nerves in my body seemed to quiet down at the sound, still ablaze in my body, but not nearly as disorienting as before. There were a few blows exchanged in a short fight that was followed by a slamming door and then silence.

My eyes were still squeezed shut, fingers still gripping the porcelain seat in front of me as I listened. My own heartbeat rang in my ears. With it, though, were two other strong pulsing thuds. What was-

A soft knock on the door had me jumping out of my skin. It couldn't have been more than a gentle brush of knuckles over metal, and still it sounded like a bowling ball had been dropped at the other end of corridor on a submarine sending reverberations through my whole body.

Suddenly I needed to get out of this metal box. Now. With blurry vision and a fair amount of difficulty, I managed to wrench the door open and rush face first into something warm and solid. The trembling came over me again when something wrapped around my back, pulling me flush against the mass I'd run into. For all intents and purposes, it felt like I was going to die. The world was ending and I could feel my heartbeat slowing down. What a way to go. Boy dies of bizarre circumstances in high school bathroom. Great.

"Breathe through your nose." A voice commanded.

One inhale was all it took. I don't know how long I'd been holding my breath, but the fresh oxygen wasn't the only thing bringing vitality back to my body. The scent, something woody but sweet like honeysuckle, instantly dismissed the shudders running down my spine.

"We've got you." A different voice whispered, their heat radiating from behind me.

A nose traced up my neck to my jaw while a pair of lips pressed to the top my head. It was when that second scent, like a morning fog rolling over the morning dew, mixed with the first, that everything stopped. My nerves were silenced, my head cleared, the fear disappeared...

I opened my eyes as my senses seemed to reign themselves in at last. There was fabric between my fingers. My fists were clinging to an army green t-shirt that was already pulled taught over a broad chest. My gaze trailed up to a dark close cropped beard and emerald eyes. Colton was watching me with such a cautious gentleness as if he were expecting me to bolt at any moment and telling me it would be okay.

My hands released his shirt from their death grip as I took a step back, his hands instantly releasing my hips. My voice caught in my throat as a different pair of hands replaced the grip I had just stumbled back from, an equally as firm but not as broad body molding itself to my back. The hands on my body were steadying me, but not forcing me to remain still. I turned my head to find Dean watching me, his stare harsher than the other boy's, almost demanding that I stay put.

"I-" I wanted to speak, but I didn't know what to say. Nothing came to mind as I tried to process the last fifteen minutes of my life. What was I supposed to say?

Colton stepped forward, giving Dean a stern look over my head as he closed me in between their bodies once again. This was probably any gay boys dream. I was pressed between two hot jocks, both of which had kissed me last Friday and saved me from whatever my own mind had been doing to me, and there wasn't a soul in sight. A rough hand came to my face, drawing my eyes back to Colton's where that dancing light became depths I couldn't escape.

Like with Dean the other day, it was like being in this moment with the boys, but also far away. A clearing in the woods, the sound of a soft breeze rustling through pine trees and honey suckle growing wild, massive paw prints imprinted in soft earth, everything seemed so-

Lips pressed to mine, drawing me back out of whatever pocket of reality I had slipped into. There was a deep rumble in the chest against my back, Dean's fingers interlacing themselves with mine. My free hand lay on Colton's chest as he nibbled at my lips, and for the moment everything about the situation was forgotten.

This was where I was supposed to be be. That signature howl rang through my ears, only this time it wasn't alone. Two other voices joined in, wrapping the first tone in theirs and bringing a memory to the surface. I hadn't been alone that night in the woods. There was more to what was going on...

For now, I enjoyed the feeling of the harsh grip each of them had on either of my hips, the support Dean gave me from behind, and Colton's tongue swiping along my bottom lip.

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