Chapter 9: Coupled Desires

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Just a little reminder in case you missed it at the beginning of the last chapter, our protagonist's name has been changed from Parker to Caden. Enjoy.


I skipped school on Friday, not having the stomach to own up to my mistake. That's what it was, a mistake. I couldn't let myself see as anything else. It was a betrayal to Dean on both our parts, Colton as his boyfriend and me as his friend. It was wrong...right?

My head was stuck on the same question from the moment I left the parking lot: Why had he kissed me? There were so many things that I didn't understand, the biggest being why even though I knew it was supposed to be wrong and I wanted to regret it, I just couldn't. Despite my efforts to be upset with myself, I didn't regret kissing Colton. Stupid fucking teenage hormones clouding my judgment. Were they though?

Ever since the kiss, something had felt different about me. Something had awoken in a very unexplainable way. It was like releasing a huge breath that I'd been holding for hours, finally letting myself taste fresh air again.

"Freaking idiot!" I yelled at myself, putting my first through the wall. My mother would yell at me about that later, but right now I didn't care. I was pissed that I wasn't upset with myself. What kind of a person does that make me? For the millionth time since school started, I simply let my emotions take control and started thrashing my room in rage before heading to the garage where I had hung my punching bag. Controlling it was much more difficult than simply letting it out.

It felt like hours of me hammering away at the bag, splitting my knuckles open through my wraps and bruising my legs to hell. I needed this, though. It was the only way I'd ever found to keep myself from exploding in public. The only way I didn't do something stupid like I did at my last school...

Somewhere in the middle of the day I passed out on my garage floor, dripping with sweat and exhausted from the workout. I'd end up needing to tape my hands up pretty good for the next week or so, but it beat getting expelled. Hell, that's if I survive the onslaught that would be Dean the next time I saw him. I had to tell him, how could I not? If there was one thing I was, it was honest. With that thought, I let the world grow dark around me and melted into the floor.


"Caden, a young man is at the door for you!" My mother called from somewhere in the house. Who on earth would be at my house? Who even knew where I lived?

"In the shower, be down in a minute!" I called back, finally shutting off the scalding hot water and taking a few deep breaths. The dried blood has all washed away from my knuckled, leaving behind the cuts and gashes on my already scarred hands.

I toweled off and threw on some baggy clothes before heading downstairs. My short hair was already almost dry by the time I stepped out onto the front porch and found him there. My heart stopped for a moment, air refusing to fill my lungs. What was he doing here?

"You look surprised," he smirked. Dean was leaned against the porch railing dressed in a pair of khakis and a baby blue button up.

"I-" Words weren't coming to my brain. Now was the time to tell him. I couldn't beat around the bush or casually bring it up later in conversation. He needed to know. I needed to say it.

"We missed you at school." He pushed off the rail and took a few steps in my direction. "Colton seemed worried that he was the reason you skipped, so I figured I'd come check up on you. Make sure everything was okay."

"He did?"

"Yea," Dean was barely a foot away, forcing me to look up into his sparkling blue eyes as something devious hid beneath the surface. "You know he's more of a doer and I'm much better at talking things out, so I sent him on home after school and told him I'd take care of you. It's my turn anyways."

"Your turn?" I gulped. He knew. He had to. Dean was about to kick my ass.

"Yea," one of his hands landed on my low back, drawing me closer, "Did you think I wouldn't find out about you two?" Oh god.

"Dean, listen, I-I mean-it wasn't like-I'm so sorry. It just happened and I've been-" rough lips cut me off as his second hand came to cup my face.

For the second time in twenty-four hours, my soul seemed to light on fire and explode within me. Dean was far less gentle than Colton, though, our kiss a mash of lips and teeth until his tongue swiped along my bottom lip before plunging into my mouth, drawing a low moan out of me as I let him take what he wanted. There was no thought here, no question as to what was happening or whether it was wrong. This was how it was supposed to be. Just like when I kissed Colton, there was this distant howl that rang through my ears, but this time it was louder.

He finally pulled away, my breath coming out in little pants as I tried to recover from the assault on my face that had just occurred. Processing time, what the fuck had just happened.

"Can you imagine my surprise when that sneaky bastard told me that he kissed you first?" Dean chuckled, rubbing his thumb over my cheek. "I totally had dibs."

"What?" I blinked. "So you two an open relationship?" I asked slowly, trying to make sense of what was happening. Almost instantly the elevated feeling of making out with Dean on my front porch disappeared as everything started to settle in. I was the cute boy they could fool around with. "So I'm just the side piece you decided to share?"

"No." Dean's smirk dropped instantly, his tone serious and almost scolding. "It's hard to explain, but we're fully committed to each other. I'll never love someone as much as I love Colton, and he feels the same way. It's hard to explain, but we aren't in an open relationship at all." He was not clarifying any of this at all. "You just showed up," he brought both hands back to my face, forcing me to look into his eyes, "and we don't really know what to do about it."

"You aren't making any sense." I stepped away from him, needing some space to breath and not get caught up in whatever it was that seemed to be making me lose my shit recently.

"We've only ever felt this pull once before, when we first met each other. Then, like magnets, you pulled both of us in the first day of school, and I know you feel it too."

I looked back to him as he described the exact feeling I'd had about the both of them over the last two weeks. How did he know? Did they really feel it too? Better yet, what did that even mean? They were with each other...I was still just the odd man out.

"We're just acting on our instincts, Caden," Dean was looking at me with more than desire apparent on his face, "and we want you."

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