Evelyn Hood

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She works as an exorcist as it's the family business

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She works as an exorcist as it's the family business. Whenever she's not busy she's either trying to fish, Smoky keeps eating all the fish she catches, or on a beach swing reading. She has a lot of free time because you don't get possessed by a demon a lot. She's pretty tan due to this. Smoky LOVES salmon or any type of fish, which is why Evelyn struggles with fishing. Evelyn's friends call her Eve. She also sleeps in late sometimes because she stayed up really late the previous night. Electricity is her element and she's cool with that uwu. She can semi speak Spanish. She's not good at it but she can sort of speak Spanish. Her cross earrings were a gift from her grandmother before she passed on, so she has them on 24/7.

I'm now seeing on how badly I colored her ;-;

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