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I wake up remembering last nights events, and go to get up when i realize a weight on my chest. i look down to see caramel hair, i lay back down and wrap my arms tighter around him and look at the clock. shit. we both have practice in an hour. "Lou" i shake him, "Lou!" i whisper yell into his ear. "what" he groans into my chest. "it's 7:30" "okay and-" he shoots off of me "ah shit why didn't we set an alarm, ugh who has practice this early. Kendall!" Louis paces and shakes Kendall awake.

"What do you want Lou?" she groans and covers her head with a pillow. "It's 7:30!" Louis yells back. She shoots up and they both run upstairs. I look at Niall who is still snoring, fast asleep. I'm distracted by my thoughts with Kendall and Louis running back downstairs. "our gears still at the rink, i'll grab food you grab the keys, leave the leprechaun, and pull the car around." Kendall says as they're running around everywhere.

i step in front of Louis who's pulling his coat on, "why are you running all over the place ?" he just shakes his head and says, "we need to be there 45 minutes early everyday to set everything up and meet with coach since we're the leaders." he says "Kendall we leave in two!" he shouts behind him. "here let me drive you to the rink yeah? you just woke up and you need to eat and prepare to do your spinney things. and it gives me an excuse to drive you back home" he smiles gratefully at me and leans into my chest. "thankyou Haz" he hugs me and i hug him back. "Alright Lou, we need to-" Kendall stops in her tracks and looks at us with a smile on her face

"Harry's gonna drive us so we can eat on the way there." Louis says as he grabs this food from Kendall and heads out the door. Kendall gives me a look. "what?" i smile at her innocently. "nothing" she smiles at me and walks out the door i hold open for her.

We pull up into the rink and Kendall hops out and Louis is about to when he turns to me and says, "thanks" and kisses me on the cheek and hops out the car to catch up to Kendall. I get butterflies just from a little kiss. it felt so domestic though. i liked it. i pull into a spot and lock the car when i spot my teammates standing outside the rink smoking. "that's going to kill you guys" i say as i walk up to them and pull out a cigarette for myself.. "haha." ashton, one of my teammates says. " at least we aren't figure skater's who think just looking at them will kill us, pussies." all my teammates laugh, and i cringe at the words, will Louis think bad of me? i block the thought out of my mind and start a conversation while i finish. "i wonder if that twink figure skater will let us share him? he's already got Harold over here." Nick says as the doors open and the figure skating team walks out. i go to respond when i see someone running away. Louis. i go to run after him when my coach walks out "Styles get your ass over here." i open my mouth to respond when i see Kendall comforting Louis. i make eye contact with Louis and i plead with my eyes so he knows i was going to argue with him. he just looks away, and i sigh and walk over to coach. "we are having and outdoors practice today. i don't want to have any complaining, and i hope to god that's not smoke i smell." coach glares at us and walks away.

workouts. sucked. ass. we did parking lot sprints, lots of suicides (it's a running drill) push-ups, crunches, and ended on a three mile run/jog. we finally got back to the parking lot at around 10ish, and a lot of the hockey players we're really behind. i was the first player on my team to finish, and i even beat a couple figure skaters. once everyone was back to the starting point coaches started talking, "good job today skaters, we worked you hard. you have tomorrow off, but remember our game wednesday, and figure skaters you have a competition thursday at home, get your dances down, talk to one of us to sign out time for the ice. dismissed" with that everyone walked into the locker rooms.

"so Styles, tell us about your twink." Nick Grimshaw asks loudly so everyone can listen. "there's nothing to tell, even if there was it's none of your business. leave him alone, if i hear anyone of you try anything i will not hesitate to kick your ass. understood?"

Louis pov

"understood?" i hear Harry finish his statement to his team. i was about to go in there and tell Nick off when harry stepped in for me. i sit outside the locker rooms and i see Harry storm out of there, but i see him relax when he sees me. "hey Princess" he smiles and sighs into a hug. "no smelly jokes? i stink today." he asks when i easily accept his dirty hug. "yeah, well, i'll let it slide because you stood up for me in the locker room." i smile up at him. he looks down at me with a goofy smile, dimples out, he bends down and grabs my legs and throws me over his shoulder. i screech and wrap my arms around his middle as he chuckles and walks us out to the car.

he puts me down into the passenger seat and kisses the top of my head. "you're adorable" i smile and cover my face because of my blush. "hey now i wanna see your blush." he grabs my hands and takes them off my face and replaces them with his hands. he lifts my head up and kisses my cheek. i nudge my other cheek into his hand that's there to try and hide my blush. he chuckles and walks to the other side of the car. "do we need to wait for Kendall?" he asks as he gets in. "no shes going out with a couple of the girls i don't like" i respond. he looks over at me, " want me to drop you home or do you want to come grocery shopping with me, and run some other errands?" he asks as he pulls out of the rink. "I'll stay with you" i say and smile at him, which he returns.

we pull into tesco, and harry runs out and gets to my door before i can open it. i laugh and accept his hand down. we keep our hands intertwined, and i try and keep the butterflies down. Harry grabs a cart and we head down an isle.

"you need these"

"why do i need them"

"it's the best cereal there is"

"i highly doubt that"

"you HAVE to get them. it's only right"

"it's my house, why do i have to get a sugary cereal i'm never going to eat."

"you don't have to eat it, i will" i finally end our banter and takes the cereal and throw it in the cart.

"does that mean lots of staying the night" harry bends down and whispers in my ear. i scoff and hit him. "that- how- i didn't- ugh" i stutter on my words as he wraps his arms around me from behind chuckling. i smile and leanback into his touch.

"you two are the cutest couple" an old lady comes up to us and says, "don't lose this one curly" she says to Harry

"oh- um" i start to say we aren't a couple when Harry squeezes me and says, "thanks, and i don't plan on it." harry says back to her.

"Haz, you just said we were a couple." i say and turn around. he looks at me and just shrugs, "no biggie." he says and turns back to pushing the cart, and adding the cereal i wanted to it. i smile and join him

YAY another chapter!! be nice please x.-R

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