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Edited. i think idk

harry pov

i was quite drunk, and i didn't really realize that i was being pulled  to the dance floor by some blonde girl. "i'm taylor" she shouted over the music. i just smile and nod, we start to dance.

she's grinding on me with her nonexistent ass. this is nasty thinking to myself. i walk away to go get another drink when i realize she's following me. i abruptly stop and she rams into my back, turning around she mumbles something, "huh" it's loud as fuck in here "speak louder!" i yell.

"DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE WITH ME" she screams a little too loud, and some people turn to look at us.

"no thanks" i turn back around to get another drink hoping she'll take the hint.


louis pov

"no thanks" i hear him scream. ha, people are so desperate. but why wouldn't he go home with her? she's attractive, he's hot- wait no he's a sweaty pig man whore. a hot sweaty pig man whore. oh my god what am i saying. jesus, harry can't even stand up. should i help him?

my thoughts were interrupted when kendall said we should leave because everyone was getting pissed and we should help. kendall and i tell liam, who's not as wasted as everyone else and him and kendall grab a whining niall.

"come on harry, we gotta go." harry turns around with a dopey smile, and those dimples. i wanted to just poke them. {a/n who doesn't tho}

"lewis! catch me!" harry jumps off his stool and collapses onto me, i barely catch him, i struggle holding him up helping him get his footing with one arm wrapped around me and his arm around me we make our way back to the car.


by time the group got back to the house niall, liam, and harry were all passed out. "fan-fūcking-tastic" kendall mutters, louis smirking, but agreed nonetheless. "liam, niall, harry, get ur asses up" kendall groans trying to lift liam up herself huffing as she gives up.

"should we just let them sleep in the car?" louis questions trying not to laugh at a frustrated kendall.

"hell no, they aren't puking in my car, help me get liam to the couch downstairs, then we can get niall up to his room and we'll find a place for the sweaty pig" louis agreed with kendall's plan as they begin to lift liam and carry him to the couch of louis' flat. after putting advil and water next to him they put a bucket next to him also. Niall was more difficult, he was convinced he was a leprechaun protecting his pot of gold. {a/n classic nigel}

"PUT ME DOWN YA TWATS, OI! YOU HEAR ME DONT TOUCH MY GOLD OR MY FOOD" niall kicks and screams as they manage to get niall into his bed with advil, water and a bucket.

Harry was relatively easy to get inside since he was partially awake still. the problem was, where do they put him? "just put him in you're room louis, my arms are tired and my feet hurt from carrying these bafoons" kendall whines dragging harry to louis' room.

"where am i supposed to sleep?" louis knows there's no way in hell he's going to sleep in the same bed as him.

"i don't know boobear, but i'm going to my room, i'll see u tomorrow" kendall walks off while louis mutters am annoyed goodnight.

sighing defeatedly louis goes back to his room getting advil water and a bucket for harry while getting and extra blanket and pillow from his closet to sleep on the floor in his room.


Louis was the first one to wake that morning at 8:30, louis and kendall didn't have practice since it was sunday, but he was up anyways showing and brushing his teeth, making breakfast in his gray sweatpants riding low on his hips {cause who isn't weak for guys in gray sweats} louis humming and dancing to himself while making pancakes and orange juice for everyone to soak up the alcohol in everyone's stomachs from last night and rehydrating them. he doesn't notice when harry walks in.

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