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The first encounter i had with a nomu , a beast made by modzilla made up of multiple people or quirks and made into a body that was either huge, scary, or just weird, was in freshman year of highschool. I had just gotten to school and walked around with a friend when we heard screems coming from the math building

my friend ran to the SRO,the school resource officer, so basically campus police. I ran to the scream, when i arrived, i saw my friend tatum, and behind here was a man , a man with a black scar and two different eyes. 

"there you are boy" the man said

i was scared , i didnt know what to do

on instinct i ran at them, out of my backpack i pulled out a pair of scissors i had 

i didnt know what i was doing , i knew it was stupid, i could die , i had no idea what this guy was packing

when i got close, the mans right arm turned purple and extended , he swatted me to the side

" do you really think i am dumb enough to fight you head on" he said

he thre tatum to the side and snapped, witht the snap came a mosnter, it was kinda nig, maybe twice my hieght, so, about 12 foot

"nomu, get him"

"kaiden run " tatum said

"what the fuck is that" my friend toni said as he caught up to me with the sro not far behind him

"a nomu..isnt it beautiful" modzilla said pointing at it, the body was wide, fit and buff, the head was another thing, it was like a beak with an exposed brain.

the sro unholstered his gun and tried to open fire, but when he did, the nomu just hit him

toni went to aid the sro and tatum, i laid there in fear still on the ground, and honestly, i started to crawl away, but when i looked back i saw their faces, fear and pain, i couldnt abandon, not when i could do something

i look to my left where the scissors landed and grabbed them once again i took off and charged, this time i knew what to do... its like a zombie right? Just aim for the head

"the hell is this idiot doing now... RUN AWAY KAIDEN DO NOT TRY TO BE A HERO"toni said helping the sro up

"sorry toni, i guess its my time to die"

i ran and tried to stab the nomu in the head where the brain was exposed but my scissors sort of just broke on its head, i ended realizing i am screwed and all i can do is by time for the otheres to leave

"toni get the others out of here, ill by you some time" i said as i got into a fighting stance even though it was going to do me no good

"10-4" toni said as he grabbed tatum and the sro  by the arm and ran

"Kaiden...dont die"tatum said as she ran

"got it" i said as i put my arm out and gave a thumbs up

Modzilla called in about 5 more of those nomus. each a little different that the last

"i guess i should leave now" he said as modzilla walked through a gate and dissapeared

"shit .. now what"i said as the 6 nomus now began to circle around me

the first nomu, the bulky one from early kicked me into one, it was skinny, but winged and had sharp claws. another seemed kinda rubber-ish.the others kinda seemed more like they where probably quirk based and not really meant to by hand to hand

i got up again ready to die

as the bulky nomu threw a punch, this time i dodged and threw one back, the punch didnt do much more than piss him off

i got hit square in the chest launching me out of the circle giving me some space, before i could get up, one was on me, the claws where about to pierce my chest but right as the claws touched my chest, a shield came in and knocked it off me . 

"What a shock, and hands off our captain" i heard from the direction the shield came from

"wow this is him, this is going to be our captain... we are fucked" said a second voice, it was female

"Hey give him a chance... who knows maybe his qurik with be crazy" said a third, female again

"yea ..i-i agree with kinetics"said a forth, male this time

who where these people, i wondered,and when i looked to see who they where,...well shit


part 1 done, part 2 tommorrow , lets see who these people are

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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