Chapter 9

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The scorching afternoon sun took its toll on Jazzy as she hurried into the Spa. Shopping with Megha for all her nicks and knacks for her shoe-designing had been fun but tiring. Standing under the air conditioning vent, she raised her arm heavenward and did a little pirouette as the cool air hit her heated skin before heading for the stairs. She was halfway up when she heard Aditya shout her name.

"Hang on, I need to speak to you," he instructed as he ran up to join her.

"What's up?" she asked, climbing alongside his tall figure in a blue pinstriped shirt.

"I need to discuss something......come on," he held her elbow and guided her to his office.

"Oh I in some kind of trouble?" she enquired looking at his serious face.

"Er....have a seat will you?"

Wondering why he was being so formal and businesslike, she flopped into the chair in front of his desk. Her white cotton shorts were crinkled and her pale blue top was sweat-stained in places making her feel the least bit business-like.

She eyed him across the table where he was seated looking completely in command. Raising her chin slightly at an angle she met his direct gaze. "What's going on?"

"You have someone helping you with the dance classes and the yoga, right?"

Reaching out to rest her elbows on the table, she nodded. ""

He flashed a grin at her, his eyes roaming over her hair which was bunched up untidily on top of her head and down to her lips before meeting her eyes.

"You look bushed," he commented picking up a pen and fidgeting.

She shrugged, feeling the irritation grow. "You were saying?" she reminded, throwing him a look of exasperation.

He cleared his throat. "Yeah about that - I was sort of wondering if you could help me with what Archie used to do here? You know, look into roping in clients for the spa. She'll be gone for a year for sure and I can't afford to not have someone handle that."

"Why can't you hire someone?"

"No," he spoke quietly, shaking his head. "My sister will be coming back Jazz. I can't take someone and then send them off. I'll continue to do most of the stuff – I just need some help."

Watching him grimace she realized she was his last option. Business at the spa had picked up and he had been pretty busy in the last couple of weeks.

After mulling over it for a full minute, she nodded in agreement. "Fine. Tell me what you need."

He stretched out and gave her hands a thankful squeeze. "Great. Would you want the person assisting you at the studio to be employed by us?"

"I don't know. She'll probably like that. I'm currently paying her per session but let me check with her."

"Okay. Shall I take you over a couple of things?"


The next hour was spent with Aditya explaining what needed to be done. Caught up with all the finer details, she forgot her earlier discomfort and leaned over his shoulders to look at the figures displayed on his screen. A whiff of his aftershave caught her nostrils and had her pulse suddenly racing as she realized her cheek was just inches away from his. Her gaze skimmed down and lingered on his lips - tempting and dangerous. Stiffening her spine to keep her reaction under control, she slowly inched away from him only to have his hand snake out and grab hers.

Shit, she cursed silently realizing he had caught her looking.

"Um....I'll manage so don't worry," she promised as he slowly stood up. Without her heels, her eyes reached the level of his chin so she stood there staring at it till he tapped a finger on her forehead.

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