4. Trust

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Belarus trotted across the room, picking a ushanka up off of a desk before making her way back to the crowd.

America stepped back a bit, his friend jumped out of the ring as the small crowd parted. He knew.. he knew that Russia was never THIS tall.. he had grown so much since America last saw him. Russia looked intimidating, to say the least.

He was here, right on front of him. He took a breath in, calming his nerves. He was going to talk to him. One way or another. No matter how hard it'd be.

"You.. I.. r.. Russia.." America couldn't finish his sentence. Russia laughed a bit as the crowd left eventually, he placed a hand on America's shoulder.

"You made it!" Russia exclaimed, hugging America tightly. America noticed how strong Russia has gotten, it was a bit insane.

"Russia..." America murmured, melting into the embrace. It felt so nice, so familiar, so safe.

"Brother," Bel tugged at Russia's shirt, he looked down and stopped hugging America to pick his ushanka up. He placed it on his head, it was still a perfect fit.

"So, America.. how're you finding your time here?" Russia asked him, America slowly shrugged. Russia sighed, placing his hand on America's shoulder again. "Still processing, huh? Well, I guess we can talk about this later-"

"N-no, you should come over," America interrupted, immediately grinning. Russia looked surprised, except America didn't know why.

"Uhm.. alright then," Russia slowly responded. He looked to Bel, she seemed confused. "We're going to America's place, alright?" Bel shook her head, Russia sighed.

"Remember the bad people? We don't want to run into them, brother," Bel said. America's mind felt as though it was melting, what was happening now?

"W-who now?" America shook, Russia didn't seem pleased. America felt as though he was in for another long explanation.

"Sit down. There's a story to this all," Russia said quietly, America felt worried for him. This didn't sound good.

America walked to the other side of the room with Bel, taking a seat on a bench. Russia was a bit behind, except he eventually took a seat beside America.

After a minute's silence, Russia began to speak.

"So, the reason I moved.. only me and Bel.. not Ukraine and Kazakh, is because.. we were in danger. Do you remember what Anon - I mean, I told you once?" America didn't seem to remember. He shook his head. "Well, my father, Soviet Union, was.. he wasn't a good person. He beat me and my siblings, he was drinking all the time. So we had to leave. You found us when we were waiting at the tree, you let us borrow your treehouse things. Which, was a life saver by the way. So.. we knew our father was trying to hunt us down, we couldn't stay where we were. Ukraine moved in with Canada, Kazakh too. She refused to move with me. Actually, I think Ukraine told Canada our situation awhile ago.." America felt pissed, Canada could've, or would've told him about why Russia left. But, in the other hand, that explained why Canada suddenly decided to start working out at the gym.

"Anyway, me and Bel moved overseas, we weren't taking any risks. Except, he knew. He began to recruit people to try and hunt us down, bring us back. I don't know why.. but.. I know they're after you too," Russia continued. America's heart dropped, this wasn't what he was expecting.

"Why? Why am I on this 'hit list' too?" America asked. Russia shrugged, sighing.

"Probably because I've been seen with you a few times. That's one of the theories why they want you, anyway. Plus, these people know pretty much everyone. Like.. oh, you know Philippines?" Russia asked, America remembered his name.

"What does he look like?" America questioned, if he'd seen Philippines, he thought he was screwed.

"Y'know, blue on the top of his flag, red on the bottom, triangle at the side with a sun in the triangle? Yeah, I know him well. I was friends with him before I found out he was gathering information from me," Russia explained. America was taken aback, he'd seen Philippines at the café.

"I.. I may or may not have seen him at the coffee shop with someone the other day," America whispered, Russia nodded.

"Who was he with?" Russia asked after a second. America knew who he was talking with.

"Thailand.. I think it was. He was my taxi driver too," America said, Russia cursed in Russian under his breath.

"Don't trust anyone. What else have you been asked?" Russia asked hastily, America was taken back to the woman.

"I was asked to meet someone on Friday. She said she knew where you were. Somehow she said she knew you," America said. Russia looked relieved.

"What did she look like?" He asked, America didn't like being asked this many questions, but he knew it was for Russia and Bel's safety.

"She had blue at the top of her flag, black for her second colour and white for her third.. I think. Like, three stripes," America badly explained.

"Thank the God of Russian hardbass.. That's Estonia. She's my cousin, she's here to help me. I wanted her to keep an eye on you. I also may have told her that I wanted to meet up with you on Friday," Russia breathed, America felt alot better.

"Should I still meet up with her though?" America asked, Russia was a bit hesitant.

"Sadly, we can't trust anyone. Don't. Estonia was recently in contact with me, she might have thoughts of luring me into a trap." A thought suddenly popped into Russia's head. "Um.. America?" Russia seemed upset and scared. America slowly turned his head, he felt scared.

"Yeah, Russia?" He responded, Russia didn't want to say what he had to.

"Since I'm not sure who to trust.. since I shouldn't be trusting anyone and letting you come over to my side.. I uhm," Russia couldn't finish. America  suddenly pulled Russia into a hug, letting go once he realised Russia didn't react. He didn't hug back, or anything. This was unlike Russia. Because of this, America just.. he felt even more worried.

"I.. sorry America. I just thought of something I wish I didn't.."

"I don't think I can trust you either."


(Russia only just realised he couldn't trust America either, he didn't think of this before. He only just thought about it when he was actually sitting beside America. Sorry that there was a bit of confusion)

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