Chapter(?) 2

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Previously in Valence's Pov: When I saw him...My heart shattered.

His eyes. His Hair. His sad, Rugged features...It was my big brother..Except like Matt...It wasn't. It terrified me, Yet made me so very sad. I was shocked and paralyzed..What should I do..Hug him or run as far as possible...His Violet eyes met mine. I couldn't move...I couldn't speak...My heart was thumping so fast i swear he could have heard it...Shock weighed me down like a million pound weight. All I could do was stare in complete shock. "B...Big brother..." Was all i could choke out. Matt chuckled and looked at him"Victor you have a sister eh?" About then is when I decided to run. I could hear Matt chucling behind me "You don't want to go that way eh~!" I glanced back for a second, Then collided into something knocking the wind out of myself and falling to the ground...No..Not the ground something had flung me over thir shoulder and started lumbering back to Victor and Matt. Soon enough i heard Matt's rough voice behind me. "Dude fix her dress..I can see London, And, France...And a little more than her underpants eh..." My face heated up and I started squirming trying to pull my dress back down. Whoever was holding me grunted and tugged my dress back down and rippng the lace hem on the bottom. "Hey!" I did'nt mean to say it so rudely, But whoever was holding me didn't like the tone of my voice because they dropped me onto the floor, Again knocking the wind out of me. A big blonde guy was staring down at me with a smirk on his face. "Careful idiot we need her in one piece!" Matt hissed at the one who dropped me. "Dont vorry..Vhatever parts fall off ve can just glue back on." I squeaked and slowly started backing away when Matt pulled out a hockey stick. I continued backing up until I bumped into something. I looked up to see Victor staring down at me with a Melancholy expression on his face. "S-Sorry..I-I.." Someone grabbed the back of my dress and hauled me up onto my feet. "You cant transport her you'd probably rape her!" I vould not! I'm nicht Zat low!" Someone grabbed my arm and tugged me toward them. "Says you eh!" I was tugged back and forth before Victor stepped forward and grabbed the front of my dress into a fist and pulled me away from both of them."U-Uh...." He drug me down the halls to a room with a normal wooden door. He pushed it open and half dragged and half carried me into the room them plopped me on the ground. He knelt down and examined my arm, me just now noticing a painful throbbing feeling shooting from my elbow to my hand. He put pressure on a spot and I whimpered out and jarred my arm away. he glared and pulled my arm back gently. "It's just a sprain..." He mumbled it so quietly i could barely hear it. "S-Sprain..." He let go of my arm and wandered out for a second leaving me alone in a dark room. A few moments later he came in with a little white box. Kneeling down next to me he opened the box and pulled out some Ace bandage and started to gently wrap my wrist with it. "T-Thanks..." I remembered what Matt said. "Where do you plan on ""Transporting"" me...?" His grip tightened on my wrist making me cry out. He finished wrapping it and released my arm. He stood up and grabbed the sleeve of my dress and hauled me onto my feet He was mumbling something angrily as he drug me down the hall and back to Matt and the tall Blonde man, Who were still fighting about who gets to transport the frenchie, Which victor did not take a liking to. (Stil working on it...But Meh here...)

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