Still slightly confused Victor kept a firm grip on my sleeve. "Shut up eh!" "You Vant me to rip out zose fucking teeth of jours?" I took a step back towards victor and he stiffened. I turned my head back to peer at him and he was glaring down on me. It scared me so my first instinct was.."S-Sorry..." I wanted my voice to be more than a pitiful squeak..but we all know how that went...For a second he looked slightly hurt then looked at the two that were fighting again. He leg go of my sleeve and pushed me gently against the wall, his face inches away from mine. Until he hissed between his teeth "Stay". Then went off to "Take care" of Matt and the tall blonde who i later learned was named Lutz. I shouldv'e ran...But something besides victor was telling me to stay. Maybe it was because he so closely resembled the person I care so dearly for. Or was it how terrifying they and this experience were.Victor was saying some very nasty things in french..(Too nasty to translate...) Matt was staring at him with an Absent-Minded grin on his face while Lutz developed a big interest in his combat boots. I slid my back down the wall with a heavy sigh. "Leave it to me to screw myself over..." Then I passed out.
Victors Pov:I finished bitching out Matt and Lutz and went to retrieve Lilly. When i got back to where she was she had fallen asleep and was curled up into the fetal position. "Aw she's cute eh?" "Ja." Matt chuckles "What was that about not raping her eh..?"
((A.N: Hey guys~! I thought that hmmm mAYBE UP DATE LEEANNA??? So I did...And here it was dared to write a Lemon...And I'm thinkin bout it... Scared...But thing bout it.what do I do?))