Poppy - part I

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Her name was Poppy. 

We met at a random party at some random dude's house. She knew him from her faculty at uni, I knew him because he was the cousin of the roommate of my best friend Isaac. So basically I didn't know him at all. But I was lucky he was the cousin of the roommate of my best friend because if it wasn't for him I hadn't met her. She had glossy, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. That night she was wearing a tight, dark red dress which matched her lipstick. She wasn't my type at all. Way too popular, way too aware of her looks. But I was nearly 19 and finally ready for a serious relationship.

That night was kind of a blur, to be completely honest. Isaac, his roommate and I showed up after midnight and most people were already drunk by then. Without saying hello to the host of the party, whose name I didn't even know, we made our way to the drinks and got ourselves some beers. We played along with a few games of beer pong, danced, did shots with random girls and by the time I got to meet her I was drunk. It was almost 4 in the morning, the music was too loud and there were sweaty bodies everywhere. But somehow she looked as if she had only just arrived, her makeup looking perfectly fine and her hair as if she had just straightened it. But she hadn't only just arrived, because I recognised her from the moment we walked into the house earlier that night. 

'Hi', she said to me as I was getting myself another drink. She picked up a diet coke with a shot of rum and stared at me while she sucked on the straw.

'Hello. I believe we haven't met before', I placed the drink I was holding on the table to shake her hand.

'My name's Poppy', she said, the straw still in her mouth. I couldn't tell if that was something she did because she was drunk, or was it usual for girls to do that whilst talking to boys?

'I'm Ezra', I said. 'You look gorgeous, Poppy. That dress looks great on you'

Poppy looked down as if she forgot what her dress looked like. 'Thank you! It's the most basic dress but that's really sweet of you to say'

I smiled, she smiled. I can't remember exactly what happened next but I do know that about 5 minutes later, we were making out in the hallway. I really wasn't that person to make out with random girls at random parties, but it was different with her. After a few (five to be exact) make out sessions, Isaac told me it was time for us to go. Poppy and I exchanged phone numbers and as we walked towards Isaac's flat I told him and his roommate how beautiful and lovely and funny and great Poppy was, even though we hadn't even had a proper conversation. 

I slept on Isaac's couch that night and when I woke up, I didn't remember most of the party. Except for Poppy's face and body. It was almost 2 in the afternoon and I picked up my phone to see that an unknown number had called me. Multiple times. My heart started racing, hoping for it to be Poppy. I honestly expected her to be that girl to just kiss and never call back ever again. I dialled the number right away.

'Ezra? This is Poppy!', the voice on the other end of the phone said. 

'Poppy! Hi!'

'Hey! Oh my goodness, I was afraid I scared you away by calling you already this morning. I just... I just really liked it last night'

'So did I! Maybe we could meet up tonight? Go for a drink or something?' I had never in my life asked a girl out as easy as this before.

'Yes, sounds great. I know a great bar in town, they have the best cocktails!'

'Good. Text me your address, I will come pick you up at 8?'

'Will do. I can't wait to see you' And just like that she hung up.

I didn't notice that Isaac was standing right behind me. 'You got yourself a date hm?'

I turned around and smiled. 'Yes. Jealous?'

'Oh believe me, I wish I had a date with that girl. She was really, really gorgeous. What was her name again?'

'Poppy, her name is Poppy.'

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