Chapter 3

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"Yeah I'd love to but I've gotta go home and change first..." Realizing rather than planning out your outfit you just kind threw some clothes together.

"Well I think you pretty... But if you say so," Lauren says giving you a smirk.

As you were about to walk away again.

"You may want to know where we are going to go," she says.

"Yeah that may be a pretty good idea," you mention as Lauren giggles at you.

"Well I'm gonna need your phone to give you the privileges of getting this info," she winks.

You blush and then hand your phone off to Lauren. She takes it the shows give it back right away. Confused you look.

"Password?" she says again laughing.

"Oh..," you blush out of a bit of embarrassment.

She types in her number then gives it back.

"Well bye," you say sweetly.

"For now at least," Lauren mentions.

As you walk out the door your thoughts drift to you last couple moments in the building with Lauren. Thinking about how she probably thought you were pretty dumb. But how when she giggled at you it wasn't insulting you loved it. You thought it was so cute. Thinking of it even just lit up your face. And her last words lingering 'For now at least' what does that mean? Does she actually like me and want to see me again? Wait you stop yourself. Do I like like Lauren? No I couldn't it was probably just a girl crush. Just my everyday fangirling kicking in. Soon someone from a vechile speaks up.

"Are gonna get in or stand there all night," you look up to see your mom laughing at you.

"Oh yeah sorry I guess I was just really lost in my thoughts," you say laughing back.

You get into the vechile.

"So...?" your mom says just sitting there looking at you.

"So...?" you say back.

"Well how did it go!?" She shouted.

"Oh duh... It was great they liked me and I guess now I can say I am officially on tour with Fifth Harmony!"

As expected your mom gives a little shrieks. Then looks over at you giving you that 'You have grown so much it was like you were starting school other day' look. It's worse when she starts the story as she did. As she was telling story about your first day for the millionth time you found yourself lost in thought. Again you were thinking of Lauren and your short time spent those couple hours. Thinking about her smile and how it made you smile. And her laugh that made you laugh. But unforgettable her eyes. Those green eyes that just gave an unexplainable feeling. Only feeling in your body that made the most sense is the tingling inside your body you get when you look into her eyes. Even that didn't make sense.

"Y/N?" your mom asked.

"Yeah you say," realizing again your lost in thoughts.

"What do you want for supper?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you the girls invited me to dinner!" answering as you entered your house.

Remembering you text Lauren.

Y/N: Hey

Lauren: Hey!

Y/N: So where are we going for dinner?

Lauren: Oh yeah! We were gonna try out this place Golden Bear at 6:30. Do you know where that is?

Y/N: Yeah sounds good actually I go there quite a bit :)

Lauren: Well then I guess you can tell me what good ;)

Y/N: Yeah I guess so ;b

Lauren: Well I'll see you then!

Y/N: I guess you will.

You threw your phone on your bed and starting looking through your closet for what to wear. After trying on outfits for about an hour it was now 6:00. You finally came across the perfect outfit. Light blue ripped jeans with you black 1975 t-shirt you but into a tank. With a red flannel wrapped around your waist. And also wearing your favourite black boots. Looking into the mirror you fix your hair then start heading to your car. Within a half hour drive you were there on time at 6:30. As soon as you walked into the doors of the Golden Bear you were greeted by all 5 beautiful girls. All complementing on what you were wearing. You all were leaded to a table by a window. You say across from Dinah with Camila on her left and Mani on her right. You having Lauren on your left and Ally on your right. You all sat down while reading the menu.

Then Lauren leaned in to whisper in your ear, "Aren't going to tell me what's good."

As you looked over at her she was looking into your eyes making you blush. You could've sworn she had some sort of mind trick that worked with her eyes. It mad you crazy. But a good kind of crazy. You looked up across the table to see Dinah smirking at you. Your face went even more red. Did Dinah think I liked her? Is it really that obvious...

"Hi, are you ready to order," you heard a familiar voice.

So you looked up to meet face to face with a very familiar face...

ANON: So how do you like it so far? And thanks for the people who voted even people who like just read it. Who ever knew someone would actually like or read it haha. Again sorry for mistakes I try. But anyways thanks. Tell me what you think?

Lauren/You: Always ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now