day 1

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we kept looking at each other, very relieved.
i was happy to see him, i knew i wasn't going to lose him. i knew i would be able to reach him anyway, wherever.
i didn't even need to listen to his heartbeat for once in my life, because after all we went through, he was standing there in front of me, and i couldn't be happier. his cute big eyes and his sweet smile, that was all i wanted to see.

tom, janna, ponyhead, my mom and eclipsa, all our friends and families came to see us and check on us.
that moment, i realized what really happened.
wow, awesome. i couldn't believe it, everyone was so cool with each other and they looked so happy, i was finally home, with marco and my family, the diaz's and my friends, from earth and mewni. everything and everyone i loved was finally together.

marco came closer to me and said
"Star, we should probably head home, you seem tired and so am i."
and gave me a cute little smile.
"alright. but we gotta throw a party soon! this WHOLE thing NEEDS to be celebrated!!!"
"yeah, absolutely."

we told everyone we were going back home and they decided to go with us.
even marco's weird friends, ferguson and alfonzo, came to see us.
it was so crowded at the diaz's so i decided to throw a party at the butterfly castle.
"didn't i tell you that it's rude to tell people to shut up on earth"
"but we're not on earth, we're on earth-ni now marco :)"
"fair enough."
"so, how about we aaaaall move to the butterfly castle and play some muuuusic and cook something all together to celebrate what happened lately?"
everyone agreed and it seemed like the whole city moved to the castle and it was CRAZY.
marco and i followed them and we had a party, as planned.

i was having fun, and the night was getting closer.
marco came to talk to me.
"star, you did a great job with everyone, they seem to be having fun!"
"yeah, haha."
"hey, are you okay?"
"huh? yeah sure, i'm just a little...
listen, can we go somewhere quiet, just you and me?"
marco looked at me and he was kinda worried.
"yeah, sure."
he took my hand.

"hey hey, slow down. look."
marco showed me a beautiful sunset, i totally forgot we used to do that everyday.
"okay... that was a very good idea."
"i know."
"...even though we're standing on a very dangerous roof, maybe we should have just gone to your parents' house?"
"i didn't know you were the new safe kid in town."
"don't you dare."
we laughed and kept looking at the sun slowly fading away, it was relaxing. there were a million voices coming from the castle but they weren't too loud, i could barely hear them.
as the sun was fading, i started crying.
"hey, what's with you?"
i kept crying and didn't answer.
so marco stared at me for a second and then placed my head on his shoulder, whispering "come here."

"i'm sorry, but i literally just realized what happened.
i decided to risk my family, my house and my own life to stay by your side, with no hesitation.
i destroyed magic.
i did something that the past queens never learned how to do and i caused glossaryck's death, even though it had to happen from the start.
i mean i always thought i was gonna be queen someday, i was SURE of it and you helped me through the hardest times of my life when i had no idea how to deal with my annoying royal family and my deepest troubles.
i got you into so many dangerous situations and weird situations and honestly annoying situations just to discover that i didn't even need it. i'm sorry for everything, i can finally see what happened and i can't believe I DID THIS. we did.
i'm incredibly tired and relieved, the only reason why i'm crying is that i'm with you right now and everything is finally okay, and, and.."
"it's alright. the truth is that you're not used to this, but you just need to chill, for real this time.
you're human (and an amazing one being.) and all you will have to do from now on is going to school, doing your homework, studying"
"why are you talking about school like it's the most important thing to do"
"because it is.
as i was saying, all you need to do is live like a girl from a very cool city on earth.
but you're a very cool girl from a very cool city that you created. cool right?"
"you always know how to put a smile on my face."
"i was probably born to do that."
we laughed.
"but, actually, star... you don't need to say sorry. i'm grateful for what we went through.
you changed my life and made it brighter, funnier and more exciting than ever. i really needed you. thank you for being here."

marco was too honest and sweet in that moment, i couldn't help but staring at him kinda shocked, i saw him getting worried.
"did- did i say anything wrong?"
"no, you just made my heart skip a beat. that was the sweetest thing you ever said to me."
"oh, well. hehe. i mean..."
i hugged him.
"what if i never get used to being a human with no magic at all?"
"you will. it's just a matter of time. and i'll be with you, i will make you forget about it."
he started hugging me without even noticing and kept talking.
"we can go to the park, have walks together, go to the beach, study together, have pick nicks..."
i stared at him talking about stuff we could do together and couldn't help but smile.
he's so cute.
as he was talking non-stop, i slowly placed my head back on his shoulder and let him talk.
i took his arm and closed my eyes.

the sky was all dark and full of stars, and i realized i couldn't hear the voices from the castle anymore, everyone was probably heading back home.
"we should probably go-"
marco fell asleep.
i laughed a little bit and he was too cute i didn't want to wake him, but i noticed we were standing on a dang roof so i had to.
"marco, we should probably go. or you won't just fall asleep."
he woke up.
"huh- um yeah im.. *yawn* ready.
wait did you just make a pun"
"me? pfft, what? no. obviously not, sleeping beauty."
"you do realize you're not funny right"
"yeah, yeah. keep dreaming."
"we lost her"

we came back into the castle and noticed everyone was looking for us.
"hey sweetie you okay? i can see you're tired let's go home alright?"
angie was kinda worried about marco but i could see she was so happy to finally have him back.
"yeah mom, i'm coming."
"hey star, sweetheart, wanna come with us?"
"um, actually..."
i saw my parents holding hands and giving me a heartwarming smile.
"...i think i'll stay with my parents. this is my home after all."
i smiled at them.
"sure thing. see you tomorrow then sweetie!"
"goodnight angie."
we all said goodbye, marco took my hand and brought me with him somewhere where we could be alone.
"hey, even though we won't be living together anymore we will still see each other every day and i will come to visit you when you wake up and you can do the same if you want and we can have breakfast and walk to school together and-"


i kissed his cute little cheek and told him
"don't worry. you're still my best friend.
i mean, what's better than dating your best friend?"
he laughed.
"alright, i was getting too nervous. i needed a little reminder."
"goodnight marco diaz."
he smiled.
"goodnight star butterfly."

that was the moment we started living our life together, the one we've been waiting to live.

i was planning on helping with the whole city the next days and helping the citizens to get along with the monsters and newcomers.
i actually had to start worrying about school too. ugh. well, everything takes time. ;)

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