Its Okay

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Fun stuff ahead if you know what I mean lol you can skip over if you feel like it. ;))))

【Damian's POV】

We made it back to his house I was feeling kinda drained almost falling over a few times. I didn't think I would do something like that maybe I shouldn't play Monday, maybe. "I guess I should be heading home it's late and cause anymore trouble." I said to Luke as he was turning back to human and putting on sweats. "What no, that pack is out there they will most likely kill you or worse you can stay here." he replied sounding concerned.

"So wait what you want me to stay here!?" I said nervously, I think I left my sink on. At least I don't got a water bill. "It's only a for few hours, I actually want you to live so I can teach you things and...." he inhales deep, "what are you nervous about? You reek of it" he asked I didn't know he knew I was. Maybe I look nervous or something.

"Huh um wondering what my mom is gonna be saying about me not being home," I said to him. There was a pause, "You know our kind can tell when others lie" crap I didn't know that of course we can, what can't we do. "Uhh we can, great." I told him "Yes I can teach you tomorrow if that's what you want" he told me getting closer to me to the point I could feel the heat off his body.

"Yea I would actually like to learn to control this" I told him I was still so confused on this. I can heal what seems like whatever is thrown at me, I can run super fast, I seem to be super strong or some type of strong as I threw Luke like 10 feet twice, I can here and smell new things, a guy bit me so I can be in a killing band and I might not have a normal life anymore and within a split second of my thoughts I felt his lips crash into mine. They were so soft made me feel so warm.

"What was that for, I hardly know you.." I asked him "I don't know, I'm sorry I can just smell the confusion and concern and the nervousness from everything going on i felt it was the best way to I guess stop it." he tried to leave but I grabbed him "Sorry for what its okay, it worked and I liked it" I told him, I don't know I haven't felt a connection like that in a while. "I just wouldn't have thought of you for someone who would you know be into me."

He looked surprised, "Who wouldn't be into you" he said, "And I know you think I'm hot and checked me out" I knew I was starting to blush I pulled him in for more. The feeling was just as great as the first I kiss him deep and passionately. I just think I'm desperate we stop for a moment.

"Your a great kisser Damian" he said "Oh well thanks, I never thought I was never had anyone tell me that" the feeling of being wanted was great or so I assumed it was being wanted. Hell if it was just getting attention it was good I haven't felt this in forever.

"Now you know" he grabs me by my waist and kisses me again I felt my heart skip a few beats, gosh this is hot. We repeatedly kiss for a few moments I feel his tongue enter my mouth as we start to make out intensely. Then he lifts me and starts walking with me somewhere in his house, his room I assume.

He lays me on his bed still making out with me our hands rubbing each other all over. He slowly starts to take off my shirt. He kisses my upper chest and sucks a few spots I let a few soft moans. This all feels so good. Should I really be doing this with someone I just met? What does this mean? He starts to slowly down.

"You sure you're okay with this?" I just nod my head, "why?" Then I thought he probably asked cause he knows my emotions or something. "Just need your reassurance" How can this dude who seems like a bit if a asshole be so sweet. I want more of him I tell myself. But I did just meet him was it a love at first site type of thing? He starts to kiss around my neck and leaves small hickeys that healed quickly. He slowly moves back down to my chest and grazes over my nipples, teasing me. "Mm That feels good" I moan out as he smirks and goes down to mark my chest. "I don't see the point of the hickeys" I thought I said to myself. "Your speaking out loud you know" he smirks more and let's out a light chuckle he then places his hand over my boner which is very visble through my pants and he starts to rub me.

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