bitchin' rides {jjk}

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→ pairing: racer!jungkook x college major!reader

→ rating: e21

→ genre: smut, some fluff

→ warnings: cum eating, cum swallowing, cum drinking (once again i am sorry), squirting, pussy slapping, clit spanking, tit slapping, face slapping, spit swallowing, sub!reader, dom!jungkook, rough and penetrative sex, penetrative sex with a blueberry lollipop (shhh), fingering, public fingering, eating out on a dinner table, drug mentions (heavy), drug use (light smoking and drinking), partying, party scene

→ word count: 3547

description: stressing over pre-exams wasn't your ideal version of a spring break, but hitting the streets at 1am probably isn't the best way of calming that down either. until you get in the car with Jungkook.

College was stressful, and you knew this more than any other person on earth

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College was stressful, and you knew this more than any other person on earth. The fees, the debt, the studying and constant exams. It was a living hell. And with spring exams right around the corner, you were starting to realize that your major in Psychology is the bane of your existence. Maybe dropping out wouldn't be so bad. But you couldn't do that, no matter how sweet it sounded to just drop out and live off the earth. It didn't matter, the world simply just did not work that way. You needed a paying job to stay stable in this society, and not to mention your hard-ass parents, they'd be down your throat the second they found out.

So with those eye twitching thoughts in mind, you continued to force yourself to study, the words blurring in your vision and you instantly become frustrated at your lack of focus and energy. Murmuring curses to yourself, you sighed awfully loud, earning a few glares through the library, but you honestly couldn't care less. You were fucking exhausted, and stressed the hell out.

Just then the loud, annoying ringtone you had set for your bestfriend went off, loud and prominent throughout the library, and that you did feel bad for, quickly fishing it out of your bag and pressing 'answer', an exasperated sigh leaving your lips at the squeal she made once you answered, "Y/n! Oh my god, Oh my god, Y/n!", she continued to squeal, and you snarled into the receiver, your voice hoarse from thirst, "What do you want, Nat!", and she giggled, explaining to you that there was this new underground nightclub that she was heading to tonight, and begged you to come.

"Oh come on, Y/n! You're literally so damn stressed out, you look like death.. and smell like it too", she added quietly, and you cursed her as you packed up your stuff, on your way home, letting her continue to beg until you finally just fucking agreed cause otherwise she'd never s t o p.

Rubbing your temples, you step out into the street and begin your long journey home, stressing over what bullshit your closest friend was about to drag you into. Hopefully nothing to crazy, but knowing with her, it was always more on the wild side.

Killing the engine, you step out of your car and make the trip up to your apartment, not surprised at the sight of her sitting on the kitchen counter, swigging her feet and shoving popcorn down her throat. Along with cosmetics heavily littered across your dining room table and a skimpy dress hanging up on a chair. You sent her a glare at the excessive amount of prep she had done.

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