baby, i don't feel so good {jjk}

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pairing: idol!jungkook x reader

genre: domestic au, whole lotta fluff, tiny bit of angst, established relationship

rating: 16+

warnings: nothing too bad really, jk is mad at you, cuddling, throwing up, so much fucking domesticated fluff, jk is a really good boyfriend, but no jk is like really fucking mad tho, SO MUCH FLUFF

summary: you didn't mean to miss the award show, but by god you were sick as hell. and you didn't mean to miss all of his phone calls and texts, but how were you to reply when you were passed out in the bed with a headache and fever?

word count: 1730

A/N: this is just a slight drabble since I got this idea last night. i guess this is a boyfriend!au drabble series cause i'll be doing the other members as well so hehe ! (this also ended up being longer than I expected so im so sorry)

You were passed out in the sheets, the feeling of sweat sticking to your skin along with your soaked clothes and wet spots on the pillows from your face. Your very flushed and clammy face.

You were so fucking sick.

Eyelids feeling heavy, you threw yourself out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom on wobbly legs, tears falling out of your eyes as you threw up just barely making it to the toilet, the gross and chunky substance coating the pristine white and covering your tongue in bile, only making your stomach clench harder and you sobbed as you felt another wave come up and gush right out of you. This was not fun.

At the moment you didn't even have the energy to stand, until you heard the front door opening and then slamming shut with a loud BANG, your heart lurching in your chest and stomach tightening at the loud noise. "Y/N!", you heard your voice being yelled from the living room and connected kitchen. It was your boyfriend, Jungkook. He sounded pissed, and you stood immediately causing a wave of dizziness to slap you across the face hard, yet you pushed through, navigating your way through the poorly lit bedroom and out into the hallway, the edges of your vision blurring as you stepped slowly down the stairs, clutching the railing for dear life.

As you stepped into view, Jungkook's hands balled and unballed, and you flinched as you felt his fury seeping off him in waves. You had never seen him this mad before, and you were wondering what could've possibly happened that could make your sweet bunny boy so furious- oh.

You fucked up.

You knew you fucked up as soon as the thought clicked.

"The fucking award show", your mind screamed.

Instantly you started spewing apologies, trying to explain to him why you missed such an important night but he cut you off with a firm snap of your name, and you shut up instantly, legs weakening when he inhales and stares straight into your eyes, his mouth twisted in a angry frown, "Not only did you miss one of the most important nights for me, you didn't even answer your fucking phone, Y/n!", he snapped, a scoff leaving his lips when he watched you sway slightly at the brutal tone, "I needed you there for me! That's your fucking job, in case you didn't know; to be by my side when I need you", and your mouth opened and closed repeatedly in fear and guilt.

In all the four years you've been with Jungkook, you'd never missed a thing, and never seen him this pissed off. It hurt you to know that you did this, remembering your voice promising him no matter what that you'd make it. And even when you made that promise a week ago, you were sick. Tears welled in your eyes as he stared at you, unmoving and unwavering in his complete anger. It scared you when Jungkook was mad in general, but at you, it was almost unbearable.

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