Chapter 2

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Evelyn snapped out of her thoughts as Nat cursed. "What's wrong, Tash?" Bandit questioned, peeking around the Russian's shoulder. "I almost had battery working. But I do not have proper tools to fix. I need supplies." Nat said, her thick Russian accent popping out in frustration. Bandit sighed and sat up straighter.

"And if we get this fixed, we'll be able to get the hell out of here?" The American girl asked. Nat turned in the chair and nodded. Bandit nodded, approaching the table and pulling a old, wrinkled paper up to Nat and a worn out pencil. "Write down what you need?" Bandit told her as she turned and walked over to the other side of the room and picked up a faded, torn up camouflage bag.


"Because I'm going to get it." Evelyn looked at her with concern. "With the dead out there?" She questioned, sitting up straight from where she leaned on the wall. Bandit nodded as she grabbed the piece of paper once Natasha finished writing on it.

"We have to get out here, and that battery is the only thing capable of it."

"Don't you need a car to go with it?" Evelyn cocked an eyebrow with her question. Bandit shook her head as she adjusted her strap, walking over to the door and opening the door. She turned around after walking through and closed it, still gripping the bars slightly.

"It's not for a car."


Richthofen swore loudly in German as he gazed around the room, fist clenched. "What?" Tank asked in irritation. "She's not here...Maxis said she would be here, but it seems—" Richthofen stopped when he said a busted window and his heart sank.

"Oh no."

The other three followed his gaze and they realized exactly what happened as they could faintly see the blood splatter on the floor.

"Oh fuck."


"How long will Bandit be?" Eve asked from next to Natasha. The russian girl shrugged. "She knows better of trenches, so hopefully soon." Nat said and Eve nodded. "Hopefully before our father's get back."

Evelyn perked up. "Your father's are here? Why?" She asked. The two girls shrugged. "They had orders similar to each others, but got swarmed for a brief moment which is why we are down here." Tomiko said and Eve nodded.

"Hopefully we'll get our sooner rather then the dead finding us sooner."


"Hey I found something."

Richtofen perked up and walked over to Tank, who was knelt down to the mud. "No zombie could make that small of a footprint." He said and Richtofen looked relieved to know his daughter made it out of a swarm.

"Let's see where they go I suppose." The american said as he stood up and began to walk with the other three quickly behind.


Bandit gazed around, panting. "Fucking zombies quicker than I remember." She mumbled as she stepped into the shop. "Perfect, perfect!" She said and quickly started searching for what she needed.

In almost moments she found what was on the list since the places around had been abandoned so quick after the hordes started forming.

"Alright, alright. Wicked." Bandit said before turning around and screaming when a zombie lunged at her. Bandit dove to the left and landed on her stomach with an 'oof' as well as the zombie falling onto its stomach. She flipped over, scooting back quickly as the zombie reached for her ankle, roaring when it missed before a billet went through its head.

Bandit panted heavily, her heart rate slowing going down as she followed the line of where the bullet came from, meeting the eyes that she matched.

"Oh...hey's work?"

Tank came over to his daughter with an angry expression, grabbing her by the collar and hauling her to her feet. "We'll talk later." He said sternly before walking past her to the door she had entered.

Bandit dropped her shoulders to sulk, Nikolai approaching from behind and giving her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder as a new man she didn't recognize and Takeo walked by, the japanese man giving a small smile.

"Sooooo, what're we doing?"

"We are getting you back to the bunker so we can find somebody." Tank said sharply as Bandit jogged to catch up next to Nikolai. "Who?" She asked and Nikolai hit her arm in an attempt to warn her from pushing her luck as is.

"His daughter." Takeo simply told the young american. That caught Bandit's attention and she looked up at the tall black haired man that was on the other side of her.

"Are you German?"

The man glanced at her. "Ja." He answered and Tank sharply said "knock it off, Bandit." Bandit pried further, ignoring her already pissed off father.

"Is your last name Richtofen?"

That made everybody in the group stop and turned to the blonde haired girl. "How'd you know that?" Tank asked as Bandit continued walking past them toward the entrance of their hideout.

"She's in the bunker."


"I told you we just should not of gone out and waited."

"Yea but I got the supplies."

"Yes but you got always." Natasha said from the chair she was leaning back in. Bandit narrowed her eyes as she dropped her bag on the table.

"What we're you retrieving?" Nikolai questioned as he opened the young americans satchel. "Tools to fix that battery." Bandit answered as Evelyn perked up at the sight of her father.

"Vater!" She said and hugged him in an instant. Richtofen looked more relaxed than before, embracing his daughter tightly as he breathed out before saying something to her in german. She responded in german as well, a small smile appearing in her face.

"How did she get here?" Nikolai asked. "Bandit found her wandering wasteland. Pulled her in tunnels to protect from horde." Nat responded as she began to tighten some items on the battery.

"What can I say? I'm a true american hero." Bandit said with a sly smirk before she was grabbed by the arm and hauled toward the door.

"Ow! Good christ, you can loosen your grip, ya know!" Bandit exclaimed at her father before they disappeared.


"What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was just trying to help!"

"You don't need to, Bandit! You're gonna get yourself killed!"

"I'm fast, dad. I've been able to get in and out with no problem from the undead."

Tank gave a hard glare down at his daughter. "That's not the point, Bandit. The point is you need to wait till you're older before you go off and do your own things. We live with the dead now, and I can't risk you going off on your own anymore."

Bandit huffed and crossed her arms, looking away. "That's stupid." She mumbled, glaring odd at nothing in particular. Tank sighed. "It's for your protection, sweetheart." He said, resting a hand on her shoulder.

Bandit didn't respond, making Tank sigh once again and kneel down next to her. "Babygirl, look at me." Bandit half glanced at her father, who's eyes were softer than before.

"How about this? You, and maybe the girls, can join us for now on patrol so you can learn how to really protect yourself. In return though, when we aren't patrolling, you aren't to go anywhere without our permission. Sound like a deal?"

Bandit nodded quickly with a big grin. "Promise me you won't go running off then." Bandit eagerly nodded again. "I promise! I promise!" She said before Tank brought her into a hug.

"I did get the supplies have to give me credit for that."

"That I do."

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