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-No Ones Pov.-

Quickly after the desition for a break, everyone got up and left to some part of the building. I wonder why.

Francis and Arthur were walking through the halls together, both heading towards their room.

"Hey, Francis."

"Yes, Arthur?" Francis looked over at the man beside him.

"When do you think he wrote that entry? Do you think he wrote it at the beginning of their torture? Or towards today?"

Francis looked back forwards while pondering the question. "Well, he did say he was scared when you grow up so I'd say about the time we met." He looked back over to Arthur. "You already knew that though."

Arthur nodded. "I'm just thinking, he wrote that when I was little. He said he was sorry, but if he was sorry why didn't he change?" Arthur stopped walking causing Francis to stop and look at Arthurs' trembling form. "Was I not enough? Was I not strong enough because I was the youngest? Why Francis, why?"

Those were Arthurs last words before he fell down crying.

Francis looked sadly down at his lover before enveloping him into a giant hug. "Shh, mon lapin. Il est bien, tout sont ça va. Ton frere aime toi beaucoup, je promets," Francis said, calming Arthur down. "You are strong and you're enough. Your brothers just choose not to acknowledge that fact. You are amazing, mon Cher. Je t'aime. I don't care what they think, but you're amazing. I love you, Arthur Kirkland."

Arthur looked up, still sniffing from his meltdown. "You mean it?" Francis nodded, and Arthur smiled while wiping any stray tears from his face. "I love you, too."

Francis smiled and quickly pecked Arthur on the lips.

"Let's go to our room now, so we can be alone," Francis said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Arthur let out an exasperated sigh, "Fine frog." Then he let a small smile creep onto his face.

Once they reached their room things started to become hot. 




The stove was put on high to hopefully heat the water for the couples tea faster. Let's just say the room was rather steamy.

------Shame on you. I know what you were thinking.------

By the time break was over most countries were somewhat back to their cheerful moods.

Feliciano was bouncing about like normal with Ludwig watching him. Francis was speaking with everyone and being overdramatic like usual, though he refused to leave Arthur's side. Arthur was still grumpy, though Francis was having a slight effect on Arthur causing him to crack a smile or two. Yao and Kiku were happily conversing together. Lastly, Toni was buzzing around the room with enough energy to power the whole meeting hall.

Though, some people were more on the other end of the emotional scale. Take Romano for example; he was sitting in his chair scowling at everyone he saw, especially Toni. Though that isn't much different from what he normally does. 

Nearby Romano, John was sitting with his hands in his lap and head hanging down. He looked depleted of energy and his southern charm. Then, there was Matthew and Alfred. Saying the two looked tired is a major understatement. They looked like death without coffee. Their eyes had giant bags underneath and their auras oozed of depression, sadness, and the need for caffeine. How they ended up like this after a mear thirty minutes is a complete mystery.

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