an occasional gay panic attack, nothing new

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"Why did you agree if you don't want to go out with her in the first place?" Wheein asked before taking a sip of her fresh made mocha latte while holding the cafe door for Byulyi with her free hand. After what happened with Yongsun, Byulyi didn't want to stay there long, so they had to cut their coffee date short.

She shrugged, still holding the napkin with the phone number the waitress handed to her when they asked for the bill. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to do with it just yet. They could talk on Tinder now, but maybe Yongsun was just being extra careful about it.

"She heard me talking about how snob she looks like, I didn't want to be rude."

"Ruder," Wheein added, chuckling.

"I felt bad about it, I was a bit mean to her," Byulyi admitted in a low voice, still ashamed for the situation.

"I thought Tinder was supposed to avoid that kind of thing."

"I know, right?"

Byulyi sighed, folding the napkin and putting it on her back pocket. She tried not to think about what happened, but it was a lot. They didn't talk much, but apparently she had a date sometime in the next week with a girl she didn't even know. With a girl, she had no intention of getting to know in the first place.

"C'mon, unnie, you were already looking for someone, maybe she just was in the right place at the right time, you know?" Wheein said, touching her arm to try comforting her.

She wasn't exactly looking for someone but Byulyi didn't want to argue, so she shrugged.

"Yeah, maybe you're right."

Wheein looked at her expression once more, probably knowing what she's thinking but Byulyi was not in the mood to discuss it at the moment and she was glad her best friend understood it and smiled, before changing the subject.

"I have to go now, I have to finish a project. Talk to you later?"

Byulyi nodded and gave her friend a quick hug, standing in the sideways for some minutes watching the girl go away. Then she turned to the direction of her own apartment, only a few blocks from there and started to walk.

To distract herself, she started to make a list of everything she had to do until the end of the day. She had to feed her dogs the moment she got home, organize some paperwork for the next day, take the puppies for a walk, call Wheein and then decide what to do about Yongsun's number on her back pocket. Of course, there was always some time for procrastination in between the tasks.

It took her about fifteen minutes to get home, Daebak and Haengwoon were happily waiting for her, looking up and wagging their tails. Byulyi smiled and squatted down, letting them lick her face while petting them for a few minutes.

"How are my babies today?" she asked, using her baby voice to talk to them. Daebak barked and she had to shush him, chuckling. She got up and went to the small kitchen, opening one of the cabinets to get their food.

She could barely walk with the dogs around her, jumping to her legs eagerly. Unconsciously, she started to hum a song while she got their food from the cabinet and filled both silver bowls with some difficulty because of the two small beasts behind her.

"Okay, okay, you can eat now," she said, stepping back and watching them run to their bowls immediately, making a lot of noise.

Happy they'd be distracted for some minutes, Byulyi walked to the round table covered in papers from work and started to organize them in piles. The next day would be full since she got off earlier that day to have coffee with Wheein, but she was used to it by now. Her work as an accountant wasn't especially fun, but she liked it. The place was nice and the people were good, she felt safe there, kind of. Once she got five piles in front of her, Byulyi wrote and glued some post-its to identify them all, so it'd be easier.

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