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Ten fumbled with his phone while lounging under his bed sheets. His actions, questionable due to the excruciating heat. For once, he had no desire to leave the house or go out. He lazily stood up, the thinnest sheet wrapped around his body when he walked. He trotted to the kitchen which remained empty most of the time. The phone in his grasp vibrated once before he turned it on and clicked the notification.

my one and only 😍😤: okay i'm outside

Ten's heading shot up upon reading the text. He approached the windows to the opposite side of the kitchen. His hand rested on the glass. His eyes darted around outside till his slight landed on Johnny. He tossed the white sheet over the couch and headed outside.

He lead Johnny inside the empty house,"How'd you even know where I was?"

That question was discarded when Johnny observed the house,"Low-key ugly house."

"It looks similar to yours, what are you talking about?"

Johnny brought his hands down to his pockets,"I don't know. It's just ugly."

Ten sighed hazily, his fingers grasped Johnny's palm. Almost as if it was an instinct, he stood on his toes and planted a kiss on Johnny's neck. Johnny softly smiled at the gesture, combing his fingers through the short boy's hair.

"By the way, we have no food or t.v. here."

"Okay, so then the fuck are we gonna do?"

"Uh, did you bring condoms?"

"I got you hooked on me that fast, huh?"


Johnny collapsed beside Ten who was heavily panting with his cheeks painted red from a mixture of lust and exhaustion. Ten looked over to Johnny before cracking a smile and softly laughing.

The Thai sat up and walked over to the bathroom, rinsing the semen in between his legs off. He slid his underwear back on followed by a dark blue hoodie and gray sweatpants.

He went back into the bedroom, looking over at Johnny who was dressing him. Johnny ran his slender fingers through his black locks as Ten approached him from behind when he crawled on the bed. Ten secured his arms over Johnny's shoulders, leaning his head against Johnny's back. Johnny grasped Ten's hand from the opposite side, squeezing the palm tightly. The moment was quickly ruined the sound of the door being opened and closed followed Donghyuck's voice.

Ten scrambled off the bed,"Shit, he's back."

"I thought you said you had the whole week."

"That's what I thought too. Er, get under the bed." Ten pulled Johnny off the bed and pushed him down against the floor. He struggled to push Johnny's body under the bed though,"Your damn ass is too big. It's the only reason you can't fit."

Ten gave up on hiding Johnny and rather decided to "distract" Donghyuck. He slowly closed the room door behind him when he exited and walked down the hall only to stop in his tracks. The reason? Donghyuck was pushed up against the wall by a male; he looked about Donghyuck's age but it was easy to tell he was foreign.

Donghyuck looked dead straight at Ten,"The fuck are you doing here?"

"Uh, I live here. You said you'd be gone the whole week so I could ask you the same question."

"Yeah but, you always beg to go outside so I assumed you wouldn't be here. I thought you'd be getting yourself laid or something."

He wasn't completely wrong.

"Uh-huh." The two just looked at each other. Keep in mind, the other stranger was still there.

Donghyuck clicked his tongue before grasping the boy's hand and leading him out the door. Throughout the action, muttering what sounded like,"Come on, Mark. We'll just get a hotel."

Ten stood there for a prolonged amount of time, contemplating whether he wanted to acknowledge what he believed he heard or not. He shook his head, trying to forget what he'd just now acknowledged. A voice echoed from the other room,"I'm fucking stuck."

Ten slid his socks against the wooden floor, gliding over to the entrance of his room. He approached Johnny, grasping the male's forearm and struggling to pull him out. 

After a tiring past seven minutes, Ten finally pulled Johnny out from under the bed. His body stiffened when his body was thrown back from the abrupt gesture of release. Ten dusted off his sweatpants and hoodie sleeves while standing up, awarding Johnny with an annoyed gaze.

Johnny seated himself on Ten's mattress, releasing a tired sigh as he allowed his body to fall back onto the comforter.

Ten crossed his arms,"You know you're pretty fucking dumb?"

Johnny sneered in response,"Says the one who was literally whimpering my name a mere minutes ago. Not to mention, you failed to assassinate me. Twice. Hell, you didn't even try the second time."

Ten couldn't form a stable retort, leaving Johnny the victor in this unimportant verbal battle. Instead, he crawled over the bed and onto Johnny's body, the strings of his hoodie tracing along the cotton. He allowed his body to collapse on top of the taller male's, his only action now was becoming immersed in the sound of Johnny's beating heart. And Hell, it was a shockingly beautiful sound to Ten.

Johnny rested his hands on Ten's back, the entire grip of his arms tightening around the younger's waist.

Ten swallowed the lump in his throat,"Johnny?"


"Remember when you asked me why I don't kill with guns?"

Johnny peeked one eye open,"Yeah, why?"

"I never answered it," Ten seemed to almost hesitate for a second,"I don't kill with them because the first person I ever killed was with one. I never wanted to have a life that required me to murder, but that gun proved I was capable of it. I hate everything about it."

By the time Ten had finished talking, his voice was aquiver. He seemed to remain impassive about what he heard until he caressed Ten's back. His smooth voice comforted the boys whose grip had grown tighter.

"It's okay." But something about his tone and aura itself felt very off in that significant moment.


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