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The week along with Johnny seemed to pass too fast for Ten's satisfaction. Once Johnny had to leave, he was thrown into a pit of longing for his counterpart.

It was idiotic really. Johnny was supposed to be dead weeks ago. And here Ten was, wrapped up in his comforter and sheets simply missing the touch of his own target.

To cure his own boredom, Donghyuck had brought in a new target that was to be killed for a couple hundred thousands. Nothing much. Though not like the money specifically mattered. Ten wouldn't receive even an eighth of what was rewarded.

Once again, he was to change into something that could easily seduce anyone. He sat on the familiar leather seat near Donghyuck as they drove to the target's location.

Only after Ten had gotten the target in a room with him alone did it start to feel wrong. The thought of stripping in front of and sleeping with this person felt repulsive. Simply, it felt wrong if that person wasn't Johnny.

Ten's hands quivered over the buttons of the blazer. He didn't want to unbutton it not did he want to expose his body to someone he didn't "feel particularly fond of".

Instead of going through with the whole routine, Ten quickly and mercilessly killed the man by slitting his throat open. As the body hit the floor with a 'thump', Ten wiped his cheek clean with the sleeve of the blazer.

He bent down towards the corpse and wiped the crimson liquid off of his blades with the victims clothes.


i finally successfully killed
someone today, after what seems like forever

my one and only 😍😤: that sounds
super wrong out of context

my one and only: 😍😤 like s u p e r wrong

it's my job, dumbass

my one and only 😍😤: you sure cause, i was supposed to be murdered by you like two months ago

my one and only 😍😤: so when you killing me?

when you stop dodging
my shit and let me

my one and only 😍😤: keep trying, cinderella

Ten didn't bother replying to Johnny's last text. Rather, he hid the device once again and headed to the kitchen for anything to eat.


Ten's nails tapped against the granite of the kitchen island while he waited for the water to boil. He ended up finding a couple of instant oatmeal packages that had been left in the cabinet. He wasn't sure if they were expired or not but it was better than an apple.

As the water came to a boil, Donghyuck exited out of his office into the kitchen where he ventured into the fridge. Ten grasped the spoon he was going to use to stir the oatmeal , balancing the tip of it at the base of his lip,"So, how did things go with," he clicked his tongue mid-sentence,"'Mark'? I had been meaning to ask you but, it just been so hectic."

Donghyuck halted at the mention of that name, his mind almost seemed to rewind to that moment. The younger removed a glass from the cupboard, set it down in his grasp and began to slowly pour orange juice in the cup,"Oh, it was great." His tone painted an uncertain feeling of either sarcasm or honesty. Which Ten couldn't differentiate when it came to Donghyuck.

Ten bit on the tip of the spoon watching while Donghyuck nonchantly exited the kitchen. Sharply exhaling, Ten ripped the top of the paper packaging to the oatmeal and tossed the oats into the now boiling water.

He silently watched as the oats boiled, slowly becoming thicker. He stirred the food once with the spoon before loosing his already minimal appetite. He turned the stove off and left the pot cooling down. Without much of a exclamation, he slid his shoes on and purposely, silently stated."I'm going out."


It was a particularly sunny day, which would have been enjoyable if the heat didn't practically fry anyone who went outside. It didn't help that Ten was dressed almost covered.

Unlike the usual routine, where Ten would have walked to Johnny's house without the slightest bit of hesitation, he rather strolled to a nearby park, simply because he had heard there was a duck pond located there.

Walking through what seemed like an abyss of willow trees concrete and stone pathways did the continuous quacking of the ducks become audible. As far-fetched as it would seem, this was Ten's first time seeing a duck personally. He was a newborn baby when it came to anything out of seducing and assassinating.

He slowly seated himself at a stone bench at the edge of the pond, completely infatuated with the ducks. The way he smiled or even let a giggle slip when the ducks waddled would remind anyone of a child. His eyes, completely fixated on the ducks, didn't notice a familiar pair of hands slip past his shoulders. In fact, he didn't acknowledge the touch until that person's head rested on his shoulder, leaning into what would be considered a backhug. Ten flinched, shot his head towards the latter, only then calming down when he realized who it was.

"Johnny, how'd you know I was-"

Johnny slipped past the question though by interrupting,"You've never seen a duck before, I'm guessing. People who experience these type of things normally don't wear such an ecstatic expression as you are."

Ten crossed his arms,"Yeah, I've never seen a duck before. It sounds stupid. I barely knew what a pigeon was because most of my life rotated around a bloody hotel room and a training room."

The tall male brought his hand down to Ten's thigh, then grasped the resting hand and intertwined his own fingers tightly,"Well, I'm happy to have seen you smile today. So, this is how you spend afternoons after killing targets at four a.m.? Would you have gone to a cat cafe if you killed me successfully all those weeks ago?"

Ten moved Johnny's grip, instead bringing his fingertips to Johnny's earlobe and squeezing the flesh,"I was just bored and you should already be well aware that there is not much to do in that house."

Interrupting the conversation, a smaller green, brown and white colored duck, or rather; a mallard waddled over to their feet. It sat down on the grass and did nothing but repeatedly quack at the duo.

Ten irresistibly planted a kiss more towards the corner of Johnny's lips and cheek, nevertheless, it was enough to be called a kiss. Johnny softly smiled at Ten, the duck still quacking in the background.


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