GAME 1 - The Third Night

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Day 3

"Them," wiisps tells the guards as renesmeewolfe  looks over the crowd. They're thinning out quickly. Is there a way to make it happen... quicker?

PippyLongstockings12 finds herself unable to watch the two chosen be yanked forward, one sobbing loudly and the other reapeating "Sorry," over and over in a rhythm quietly.

Guards force them to their knees. importedbeverages finds herself unable to breathe, as if something is squeezing her chest. She always thought of ALLIKA0215 as a friend, and she's pretty sure she thought hte same, but... when push comes to shove and self-preservation steps in...

"Please," AmberLynnWriter whispers, covering her face with her hands. "Please get it over with quickly."

"Or we could just not do it at all," Smileyturtle1343 speaks up, taking a step forward, her eyes hard as she stares at the guards. "Why do we have to execute people when we aren't sure they're the ones who killed?"

"You decide to argue now?" hjpotter123 says through gritted teeth, squatting down near the dirt, moving a rock absently with her fingers, trying to keep her mind from wandering to waht will happen to these two people. "What about when Goldensunryse was killed?"

"Still, you voted, didn't you?" ayoni02 snaps, narrwoing his eyes at her. You voted to have one of them executed, didn't you?"

"Don't act so mighty," Funalovesbaldi snaps, tears welling in her eyes as she turns back toward the two peopel standing before them. "Besides, not all of us voted." She looks over to the squatting hjpotter123. "Tragedies like this make people do things they aren't proud of."

"Someone is obviously proud," Aspiredforever says dryly. "They obviously keep killing and getting away with it." He grimaces, his eyes meeting renesmeewolfe's. She smiles a slow smile. "Just do it," he says.

Half the crowd stares at the two people before them. The other half can't stomach it.

"I'm sorry," sapphirecosmo whispers, sobbing quietly as she buries her head in her hands.

"You're all wrong," ALLIKA0215 says through a clenched jaw, tears streaming down her face. "You're killing the wrong people. Neither of us could ever do something like that."

"You're--wrong," sapphirecosmo says between sobs, her body shaking. "I'm so, so sorry... Goldensunryse,... I'm so, so very sorry. The reward was... Please... please forgive me."

ALLIKA0215 just stares, a whole new wave of sadness washing over her just before she takes her last breath. A startling revelation falls upon the entire town.

You never truly know a person until their back is up against the wall.

ALLIKA0215 loses her life. She was a civillian.

sapphirecosmo takes her last breath as the bullet ends her life.

One more killer.


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