The Asset Part 6

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The Adments asset was male with dull brown hair, dark eyes and was..."Werewolf," I growled the word, my eyes heating.

"He's werewolf?" Tommy asked Victoria, referring to me.  "I thought the FDRS was supernaturals only."

"Shut up," Victoria hissed, shoving him behind her.

"Victoria Ripp," the bulky man murmured her name with a smooth voice.  

The corner of her mouth lifted, "Finally off the leash, Mitch Fury?"

"Only a little," Mitch Fury replied, taking a step closer.

I gave a growl and my fists tightened.  

"Is this one actually going to protect you?" Mitch put a hand over his mouth in fake shock.  Then his hand dropped and he let out a laugh, his head going back.  Suddenly he was serious, head strait, a glint in his soulless dark eyes.  "This is going to be fun." 

 He barreled at us in a uncontrolled anger.  I smiled dangerously, shaking my arms out.

"Ummm, not to tell you how to do your job or anything," Victoria had a panicked expression on her face.  "But there is a very mad werewolf charging us, shouldn't you meet him half way or something?"

I glanced back at her and smiled, "Do you trust me?"

She hesitated, then nodded, "I do." 

"Then have a little faith," I turned quickly, and felt a slight burning sensation on my forearm as I grabbed the collar of his shirt, sidestepped his fists, and yanked his head down to the kitchen counter.  It cracked, and I stepped behind him, grabbed his head, and pushed it down into the counter as hard as I could.  It crumbled under the force and he crashed to the floor, groaning. I brushed myself off, ignoring the burning sensation on my forearm, saying, "Let's go."  They stood in stunned silence.  A gentle shove from me, put them into motion.  They ran from the room, and I followed slowly.  

Victoria unlocked the doors and Tommy flew into the backseat, panting like he had done all of the fighting.  

"Come on, man, get in the truck," he pressed against his seat, starting to sweat.

  I calmly got into the passenger seat as she started the truck and we roared out of the parking lot. 

"We have to get back to the FDRS," she kept her eyes on the road.  

I just nodded and phoned Kira.  She answered almost immediately.

"Tell me you have him?" she spoke loudly into the phone.

"We do, we're headed your way," I updated her.

"You can't come back," she replied.

"Wait, what?" I put her on speaker.

"We are in the middle of a supernatural battle right now.  The Adments found our headquarters and are desperately trying to wipe us out for good," a blast hit close to Kira, and she yelled something to someone, probably Puck Goodfellow, her right hand man and co-founder of the FDRS.  "You have to find somewhere to lay low.  Do not go to any of our safe houses, assume anything connected to the FDRS is dirty."

"We won't," I assured her.

"You have to protect Tommy Walker and Vic, you are on your own from now on," she coughed and yelled, "Put that dang fire out!"

Victoria glanced at me with worry.

"You cannot contact anyone from our foundation.  Someone is dirty and has betrayed us.  Until I find out who it is, Tommy is safer with you two.  Be safe," she hung up, and static filled the line.  I ended the call.

"What are we going to do?" she glanced back at Tommy, who was terrified at the moment.

"Find somewhere to lay low," I answered calmly.

"Where?" she snapped irritated and worried.

"I think I may know someone, but you're not going to like it," I met her gaze   

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