Chapter 3 - No Average Night

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Another average Friday night, and another dead body found. This one was a little bit closer to home. Only a hundred miles away. The killings are getting closer every day. The sheriff is really on edge. He’s completely lost his mind. He actually set up a city-wide curfew. A curfew. I’ve never had a curfew in all of my……well, life. I love the sheriff and he has good intentions, but do he really think he has the power or the resources to control a town full of hormone raged, over-defiant teenagers? Ugh. And this, being the fourth Friday in a row that my brother’s been gone. He decides now is the best time to branch out and discover the world. This is the longest we’ve ever been apart. We are twin, for goodness sake. We grew up together. We did everything together. But ever since these killings arose, DiMajio has been crumbling. It like something way worst is happening. It got him suspicious. Di thought it would be safer for me to stay here, while he investigates. Like I’m some type of helpless female. Sighs. In the meantime, I have to sit at home and pretend like everything is peaches and cream when it’s just the opposite. At least, he calls me every week to keep me updated. He told me that if I don’t get my call, that I should drop everything and run. Run. Just like that. I might be too scared to ask why. But I’m gone. This is the one place I’ve been that I felt safe. This is the only place I’ve stay for more than a few months. Even though I hate small towns, I’ve grown attached to the people here. Lots of friends. Lot of neighbors. I would be heartbroken if I had to leave. But it would be for the best, I’m sure. Yesterday, DiMajio told me the he found a few more unusual disappearances in Seattle.

Seattle. The states. These disappearances and executions are leading down south, or did they originate there? What could it be? Maybe, there are aliens trying to take over our planet on being at a time. Who would notice? Or maybe there is a crazed serial killer waiting in the bushes for the right moment to strike again. Giggling. Oh, come on Cora. Get a grip. It’s not that serious. Yet.

I closed up shop early and headed to Rita’s Emporium for a few things. As I drove near, I saw Conner and Rand standing outside. Those two are always up to no good. So, I decided to park m car around the corner. Just in case. I walked around the corner, and of course, Conner noticed me from a distance.

“Well, well, well. Look who we have here. Walking all by her lonesome. Do you believe it?”

“No.” Randy replied. “I don’t believe it at all. You know it’s not safe out here, Cora.”

“Of course it’s not. You two are out of hibernation.” I chuckled.

“Ouch, baby. That hurt.” Conner said sarcastically. “You know you can always call me. I would definitely make sure you got home safe.”

“No thanks, Conner”

“Oh come on. What’s the worst that could happen?”

“Let’s see. You can get us attacked, or killed.”

Conner sucked his teeth. “That would never happen.”

“Or…We could walk so slow that you get us arrested.”

“The sheriff would never arrest you.”

“You’re right. I would be safe.” I laughed, again. “Or the worst thing of all.”

“Which is?”

“You get stuck at my house, forced to stay the night.”

“How is that worst?”

“I might accidently kill you.”

Conner and Randy heckled loudly.

“Oh Cora. You couldn’t hurt a fly.” Randy replied. “You’re such a sweetheart.”

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