~chapter 6~

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Previously on chapter 4:

"well from her on out you have to turn left go straight then go right go straight and you will find the brothel" I said point the way for him.

"Thank you Zack" Said the one who I think his name is masrur

"No problem but if you see a women there that wears all blue don't talk to her k thanks" I said and minnah knew who it was right away.


Before I could say anything I was dragged at the flash of sound to Mrs. Shicka's medicine shop...the black figure fading away little by little till there gone.

'What a pain'

We continue: ❤❤❤

~Swearing to be read later on~

"Minnah when are we going to get there? We have been walking for more than an hour now?"

"Just wait...I told you we should take the cart but your fat ass wanted to walk"

"Calm your tits...oh wait you have none"

"Such a classic insult is that all you got chimpanzee"

"chimpanzee really? What are you a fucking child calling names"

"Just shut the fuck up okay, you insisted to walk so we're walking it's been only a little while you twaut"

Minnah knocked at the door and waited, a few moments later and a mature women in her late 60's opens the door.

"Good evening customer is there anything bothering you?" She asked looking up and down

"No, just needing some herbs" zack mentioned

"Any pacific ones?"

"Coughing and fever please" Minnah finished

"Just wait a moment young ones" she closed the door, later shuffling was heard inside the tavern later the oak foor opened to reveal her with a small envelope.

"Here, make sure you brew it and drink with honey and lemon"
Explaining she handed it to Zack

"Thank you very much Mrs. Shicka"
Thanked Minnah with her voice more higher

As they walked away zack spoke up

"What the fuck was that?" He looked at Minnah

"What?" She looked up at him confused

" 'thank you very much Mrs. Shicka' you think you were talking to a child"
Zack mimicked

"Your talking shit about that?, shut the fuck up okay" Minnah proceeded to walk faster now

"Wait up stupid" catching zack yelled


"Again with that fucking name? Is that all you have love?"

"L-love!?" She blushed looking away

"What never heard of it?" Looking at her, zack noticed she was blushing then he got an idea.

"D-don't call me l-lov- Aaah WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!"

"Carrying you are you blind or just stupid?"

"PUT ME DOWN!" She yelled a blushing mess

"As you wish love" he dropped her down causing her to land on the dirt road

"OUCH WHY DID YOU DROP ME" she rubbed her sore back injured by the impact to the ground

"Are you retarded? Or do you have memory loss? You said to let go of you" he looked up eyes closed shrugging and her a grin

"You piece of shi-" she said with a vein popping out but then being inturrupted by a yell


Horses where coming fast and where going to hit them but zack hugged minnah and jump to the side, the horses missing them by an inch.

Minnah opened her eyes to find Zack on top of her becoming more redder.

"For solomons sake these people have to watch where they are going" he sighed before looking down at minnah then seeing their position "sorry didn't mean to be on you" he laughed nervously getting up

"Bullshit! you did that on purpose! You bug perverted piece of shit" she continued yelling but then silenced

"Are you done now miss little brat? You didn't forget why we are here in the first place?" He started running

"OH MY SOLOMON, (Y/N)!" She followed behind running as well


"Is good to see you again love~"

Sinbad looked up in curiosity to only see the lady they met earlier

"Well, is a pleasure meeting you here beauty, what bring you here?" He said

(Y/n) walked to the couch across where sharrkan sat, he stared at her and smirked

"Oh my it's the beauty from earlier, did you miss me?"

"Hello to you to, and to answer your question sinbad my grandmother is the owner and co-designer of this brothel which is one of many" She smiled

"Really? Well tamburu is a beautiful country being the fact is man build"

"Yes, putting that aside have you enjoyed that wine that make tamburu so famous?"

"I have not yet tried the beverage, because this brothel caught my attention"

"I see will you like for me to guide you? I couldn't handle a foreigner coming in tamburu and not trying out what made tamburu half famous after all, maybe right now?"

"sure sharkkan have some fun"

They both headed out, leaving a laughing and giggling sharrkan surronded by women.

Meanwhile Masrur is petting a black kitten in a alleyway smiling.

Hello, it's been awhile sinces I updated a chapter on this particular book.

But what's to come is little side stories of or little cute masrur and maybe some UwU between valentina and her little crush.

Anyway goodbye

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