Chapter 50- Diego & Lizzie

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I park my car in front of Bo's house to talk to him about what Daniel said. I really don't think Bo would have lied to me but I've always been pretty head strong. My head is conflicting with my heart like in those sappy romantic movies. The main character girl is told something that could change the view on her potential future lover. Everything goes downhill from there but some how at the end they resolve the problem.

I'm just scared that if what Daniel said is true I don't know if I'll be able to resolve it.

I take the sidewalk up to the front door of the house and knock on it waiting for a reply. Nobody answers the first time so I try again. Again no one answers so, I try looking through the window to see if I see anybody in the house but the main level looks barren. This time I try the doorbell and finally I hear what sounds like footsteps from the stairs. Bo appears shortly after at the bottom of the stairs and makes his way to the front door. When he opens the door at first he doesn't notice me, rubbing his eyes with his hair disheveled.

Finally he notices me, "Hey, what are you doing here, I thought you were gonna check out the Ring after school?"

"I called Diego on the way here and he said that there is still police there and I shouldn't risk it. He guesses that they will be open again by Wednesday but that's not why I came here." I tell him.

"Here come inside, I've just been stressing over some homework, I probably look like a mess," he chuckles lightly. "I'll me right back I need to comb through my hair. You can wait in the living room."

He doesn't give me time to respond and runs upstairs to his room. I just silently make my way to the couch in the living room contemplating how I want to bring up the topic. It doesn't take long though for Bo to be running back down the stairs with his hair looking more tamed and a new shirt on for some reason.

"So what is it you wanted?" he looks at me concerned.

I think for a moment of how to word it even though I feel like I've tried to do that in my mind so many times, "Well... you know someone named Daniel?"

He nods his head in reply not knowing where I'm going with this but honestly I barely know either, "So, I was talking to him today because we just crossed paths. He claims he is the gang and told me some stuff which I just wanted to know if it was true coming from you. I trust your word more then a guy I just met today so that's why I thought I'd ask you."

"What is it?" he sits there patiently but I can tell by his eyes that he's scared of what I'm about to ask him.

I don't understand why he would be scared though because he can't be hiding anything. He's been nothing but truthful to me and trusting.

I look him dead in the eyes, "When you were on that mission or whatever with that girl did you have sex with her? And please be honest."

He seems hesitant at first but masks it with a concerned look, "Why would I? I like you, not Rachel."

"So you didn't have sex with her?" I ask again since he didn't really deny it.

He shakes his head, "No, I did not have sex with her. She just kept throwing herself at me and I repeatedly told her no."

I nod my head in understanding. I trust him enough to know he's telling me the truth. He doesn't have a reason to lie and we weren't even dating at that time. So technically if he did have sex with her he didn't cheat on me or anything but that means he's probably playing with my feelings. Bo wouldn't do that though. He's a nice guy and wouldn't lie to me about that.

"Layla are you okay?" Bo asks me taking me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah. I have to get going though, I have a thing with a friend. K bye!" I quickly make my way to the front door but as soon as I'm about to open the door Bo stops me by grabbing my hand.

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