Promise Me

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(takes place during AOU, would prefer if y'all watch the video first🧡)

"You still think you're the only monster on this team," I tell Bruce sadly.

"What, so we just disappear," he questions.

I didn't want to miss our window again. I'm running with it, with him and if runnings the plan as far as he wants as long as i'm with him.

"We can't run away now. At least not until we fight Ultron," Bruce says walking towards me.

"I know but Bruce promise me we will leave together, please don't leave me behind because you think your a threat you aren't, not to me," I tell him.

I wrap my arms around his neck and plead with him to make the promise, so he won't leave me.

"I promise Nat", he says while leaning in to give me a kiss we both have been longing for.

As the kiss starts to get more passionate I pull back and smile up at him. I step back and pick up my towel heading to the shower. I turn around and tell Bruce something that leaves him speechless.

"You should have joined me," I tell him seductively.

Laughing at his shocked expression, I turn around and close the door leaving him. I take my robe off and pull the curtains back and step in. The warm water pours over my skin, I see Bruce's shampoo and conditioner and with out even thinking about it I use both of them on my short red hair.

After my shower I wrap my towel around my wet body and open the door. I see Bruce waiting patiently for me on the bed. I can see his eyes travel down my body and back up to my green eyes.

"I forgot my clothes out here," I respond knowing full well I left them there for a specific reason.

He gets up from the bed and hands them to me. As he hands them to me I touch his hand more than I should have and smirk to myself. He goes back to the bed expecting me to go back to the bathroom instead I set my clothes down on a cabinet and let my towel drop. I see him staring as I discreetly pay no attention towards him. I grab my panties and lean down to put them on giving him a show from behind. Next I put on my bra, teasing him was fun but it was getting late and I was tired. I quickly put on one of his shirts that I stole and walk towards him.

"Wow, I, just wow", is all Bruce can say. "Are you wearing my shirt?"

I nod and get on the bed next to him. "Can you stay the night with me," I tell him.

"I don't think that's a good idea," he responds hesitantly.

"Please," I respond giving him my puppy eyes.

And just like that I convince him, he gets in next to me and pulls the cover over both of us. I turn in the other direction and ask him to spoon me. With his hands around my waist I drift off to sleep.


I wake up the to the sun blinding me right in the eyes. I squint and look down at Bruce who is now sleeping with his head on my stomach. I play with his curls and he slowly wakes up.

"Good morning," he tells me shyly.

"Good morning," I whisper.

He slowly gets up up and leans on the headboard pulling me into his arms to sit in between his legs. Bruce then grabs my hands and wraps them around me kissing my head.

"The others are going to think you're crazy for wanting to be with me," he tells me jokingly.

"What's not to like you're a huge dork. Chicks dig that," I tell him while laughing.

"You know, I think Steve has something for you", he tells me sadly.

I hear the sadness in his voice, I turn around and put my hands on his face.

"Well he's just going to have to live with it because i'm yours Bruce, all yours," I tell him with all my heart.

"This is yours," I tell him grabbing his hand and putting it over my heart.

He pushes me down so that I'm below him and he starts kissing me. I wrap my legs around his waist when all of a sudden there's a knock on the door.

"Natasha have you seen Bruce, he isn't in his room," comes the annoying voice of Steve. Bruce starts kissing my neck which causes me to let out a gasp.

"Nope I have no idea where he's at, have you checked outside," I tell Steve trying to get him
to leave.

"I heard you gasp, are you okay," Steve questions.

"Yes i'm fine," I quietly moan. "I'll meet you outside to look for him."

I hear him walk away while Bruce smiles down at me and gets up leaving me flustered.

"Come on, you have to 'find' me," he says.

I put on some sweat pants and grab Bruce's hands heading out the door.

"I like the way your hand fits in mine," he tells me.

I look away as I start blushing, he just laughs and and walks us to the door.
Authors note: hehe i'm back, hope y'all like it. it's a little bit cringy👹.

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