>> Chapter 4 <<

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Oikawa laughed nervously, "Not really."


This time, he thought. This time, for sure, he would talk to that guy. Oikawa braved through the garden, passing by trees and the pond by the middle until he found him taking another stroll on the stoned pathway that circles all over the garden. He cleared his throat, making sure that he won't chicken out yet again, fixing his shirt, which had green alien prints mind you, before he marched to him.

Oikawa tapped on his shoulder, "Hello~" he hid his nervousness with his usual flirty tone. The guy stopped and turned to him, giving Oikawa a full view of his appearance.

He had blonde spiky hair swept outwards with a cowlick. His eyebrows were curved perfectly, not too thin or thick while his cat like eyes were decorated with long lashes corresponding to the color of his hair. Perfectly carved nose and lips a seductive color of pinkish red, appearing so delectable. His jaw was wonderfully chiseled and shoulders broad and body resembling that of a male top model.

Oikawa knew that underneath his button up shirt are well defined muscles, probably a six or eight pack guy. Just by observing, he could totally notice how his arms are muscled just like Iwaizumi and Oikawa almost had a nosebleed. Not only was his appearance gorgeous and heaven defying, even his height was taller than his and Oikawa was already tall for boys his age. Oikawa guessed that he's probably in the 190's or a bit below that. How Oikawa wished to have this kind of a body, not like he resented his own, but who wouldn't want to have a body like this?!

"Err, hi?" Oikawa snapped out of his stupor and waved at him. The guy's apple green eyes brightened with amusement, "Took you a bit longer to talk to me, stranger. But not long enough compared to what I anticipated," the guy chuckled, extending his hand. "Naoya, call me Naoya, stranger." Oikawa hated how he is called a stranger because he wanted to be closer to this guy. He's already entered his dreams, no way will Oikawa let this guy go. Especially when he's this breath taking. Imagine how many females would go crazy and wish to be impregnated by him? Okay, he's straying off the main point now.

"Please call me Tooru, then, Naoya~" Oikawa gladly grasped his hand, taking note of the firm grip before he took his own hand back. "This is the third time you've appeared in my dreams," Oikawa opened first. "Are you some sort of my imagination or are you an alien appearing as a human?" Oikawa finished and Naoya laughed at his question.

His first impression of Oikawa was that of a weird guy who's really shy in approaching strangers and that he was also a figment of his imagination that surfaced in his own dreams. Oikawa was gazing at him expectantly, eager to know if he was an alien and to decide whether he should befriend this alien or to run from it.

"I am from an alien species called Shif and we can change our form as much as we want to blend in the planets that we are planning to invade. I am the president of my kind," Naoya decided to humor him and play a bit. Oikawa sparkled; he was meeting an alien in his dream! "Why are you in my dreams then?" he was eager to know. If he really is an alien, then one hot damn alien this guy is!

"Dude, you take me too seriously. I'm human," Naoya broke it to him and Oikawa pouted, unhappy that he had been played and that he wasn't a real alien but who cares. "Are you part of my imagination then?" Oikawa huffed, crossing his arms similar to how a child would when he was annoyed by his parents.

"I most definitely know that I exist in a planet called Earth and living my normal human life. I'm not some sort of imagination. In fact, I thought you were a part of my imagination. Are you?" Naoya gestured for Oikawa to join him on his stroll. Oikawa walked beside him, still childishly taking a grudge on him to which Naoya chuckled. "I'm real too. I'm too awesome to be an imagination." He complained, trying to do an epic hairflip to prove his awesomeness but failed and it made Naoya full on laugh.

Oikawa groaned in embarrassment, slapping Naoya's upper arm, "Hey, stop laughing at me!"

Naoya covered his smile and muffled his laughter, "You failed that hair flip, Tooru!" he teased, poking the red cheeks of Oikawa's while Oikawa just pouted, looking like he was being bullied by Naoya.

He mentally bonked his head and walked ahead, leaving Naoya who was trying to calm himself behind. Naoya called his name, which sent tingles to Oikawa, and catching up to him. "You're so fun to tease, Tooru." Naoya nudged him and Oiakwa nudged back in mock annoyance.


Naoya halted and clapped his hand.

"Seems like I'll be the one leaving first. See you later, Tooru." Naoya was seeing static and he disappeared after he said that. Oikawa sputtered when he was gone and stomped his feet on the stone pathway, grumbling about how he was the one supposedly doing the teasing and not Naoya.

Not long after, Oikawa's surrounding became static and blurry.


{End of Chapter}

Up next:

"That wasn't good, Ruri-chan. We were still talking about –"

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