>> Chapter 43<<

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Hey guys!!

Here's another update!!!

Oikawa: Miss me!

Naoya: Don't you dare.

Oikawa: Naoya?

Naoya: ...


Tooru woke up from their dreamscape and stretched his body, getting rid of the urge to sleep that clung to him. Rubbing his eyes to get a clearer view, he couldn't help but tilt his lips upward as he saw the person next to him still fast asleep.

His lover's hair was in a huge mess, strands strewn all over the pillow.

Naoya had one arm draped over Tooru's stomach, which fell on his lap when he sat up.

If he hadn't, the two of them would've continued snuggling, with Naoya burying his head on Tooru's shoulder and Tooru would've been playing with his hair, running his fingers through it and sometimes scratching his scalp gently.

However, if he hadn't sat up, Tooru knew that they wouldn't be leaving the bed and would spend time just fooling around in the bedroom.

He planned a lot of things for the two of them to fulfill and staying in bed would hinder them. He has to get them off to bed!

"À quoi penses-tu, mon amour?"

That low, just-woke-up kind of husky voice startled Tooru that he almost jumped out of bed if it weren't for the tight hold that prevented him.

"I hate how you sound so sexy when you speak French," Tooru grumbled while Naoya chuckled and rose up, leaning his larger body on to Tooru's while peppering his neck with light kisses.

"You feel the exact opposite, dear," Naoya replied while Tooru huffed, finally succumbing to the kisses and asking for more to which Naoya happily complied to.

Naoya didn't feel like leaving the bed today. This was their first morning together in their new apartment, closer to their University, and he very much wanted to spend it with the two of them in bed and doing naughty stuff.

His hands lingered downwards, prompting Tooru to moan at the sensation of his fingers lightly trailing down and leaving fire at it's trail. Tooru could feel his body getting hotter and his mind dizzier but he resisted the urge to have a round with his lover and he slapped his hand away.

Naoya hissed at both the slap and the rejection from Tooru, his apple green eyes narrowed and his cheeks puffed as if a child being denied of its favorite treat. Tooru would've squealed and indulged him to do it if it weren't for his plans stopping him.

He shook his head, determination to not be swayed by this demon beside him.

"Did you forget? Your father said he'll be dropping by at lunch to see how we settled in." Tooru reminded, getting out of the bed and stretching his arms, ruffling his hair to get rid of the bed head. He was about to walk to the bathroom but firm arms locked around his waist and he could feel soft lips plant on his name and showering his back with kisses, making him groan at the feeling.

"I'm sure dad can understand if we're not up yet. Let's stay a bit longer," Naoya whined, trying to stop Tooru from getting himself freshen up but Tooru didn't get swayed.

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