(chapter 14: Tim can't dittly darn cook BrO)

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(( Take a random music))

No one

Tim picked up Toby, he cuddled in his arms, nuzzling his chest. Tim carried Toby downstairs and put him on the couch and sat next to him, kissing his cheek softly, Toby grinned and leaned on him as he turned on a movie for them to watch, he turned to face Toby

"you hungry?" he asked, Toby shrugged

"I take that as a yes," Tim said getting up and got up, Toby fell sideways when he got up, now laying on the couch, he looked at Tim then sprawled out, Tim smiled and kissed him before walking to the kitchen and attempting to make something simple for them to eat


"what the flip does this stuff mean!" I whispered to myself as I read the intrusions on the back of the box of Kraft dinner, I sighed and put the box down and peeked out to Toby sprawled out on the couch, he looked so comfortable, 

"hey baby?" I said from the kitchen

"eh?" he said looking at me, 

"...could you help me make this?..." I asked

"what is it?" he asked

"craft dinner..."  I looked down, he got up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a pot and filling it with water putting on the stove and turning it on

"once it's bubbling put the noodles in then  watch them and stir them." he said then walked back to the living room and flopped on the couch, I waited for the water to boil then put the noodles in and sat there, after a little it began overflowing, I panicked

"Toby! The waters overflowing!" I yelled, he walked in, turned off the stove and put butter in then turned the stove back on and stirred the noodles, I watched as he made the kraft dinner, he put it into bowls and gave one to me and walked to the couch to eat, I followed and sat next to him, he ate then cuddled and Toby fell asleep, being the tired boy he is, I got up to clean and stuff before bringing him to bed, I went downstairs to clean more, I then pulled out my phone, sitting on the couch and trying to learn how to cook,


I awoke with a gasp and looked around, I was in Tim's room, I decided to search through Tim's dressers for a shirt or a sweater, I found a t-shirt and took off my turtle neck, putting the t-shirt on and going downstairs. 

Once I was downstairs I smelt bacon, I was confused and looked into the kitchen to see Tim attempting to cook, I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind and stuffed my face in his back


I felt thin arms wrap around my waist and looked down to see Toby, I smiled softly,

"Hey babe," I said then looked at the stove, Toby pulled away and looked at me smiling, I smiled back and pecked his lips with mine, he blushed and smiled more, I then realized something

"Hey, is that my shirt?" I asked he nodded

"well, it used to be yours but it's mine now >:3," he said crossing his arms playfully, I gasped

"nooo, That's my good shirt," I whined playfully, he chuckled

"Fine, fine I'll give it back," he said rolling his eyes, I smiled and kissed his head, he then walked to get a drink

after a little, I looked at the bacon


I burnt the bacon 

(RIP the bacon)

I sighed and threw it out, I then decided to make the two of us cereal and walked out to Toby giving it to him

((how would you peeps feel if I yeet, yeet murdered Tobes?))

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