(chapter 31: Mind games)

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((this is probably extremely triggering, read at your own risk)) 

No one

Tim and Brian walked around the forest, working their asses off the find Toby, 

"Tim," called out a whispered voice all too familiar to Tim, Tim whipped around to the direction of the voice to be met with nothing, Brian looked at him,

"what's wrong?" he asked,

"did you... nevermind. nothing," Tim said, 

"Okay then..." brian said and the two continued to walk, until,

"Timm," It happened again, the same voice just in a different spot, Tim looked again this Tim to see... him... 

Jay stood leaning on a tree his green shirt still bloody from Alex, he had a slight glow to him, Tim was confused and shocked.

Brian was seeing things himself, farther in the forest, he saw Alex a wound across his neck form Tim, he had the same glow Jay had,

"Imma go this way," Tim said as he began walking to his supposedly deceased Friend, as he got closer, Jay went running deeper into the forest, Tim chased after Jay, desperately wanting to speak to him.

on the other hand, Brian was pissed, he ran at Alex, he felt like this man ruined his and Tim's life. not really to his surprise, Alex took off running.

"Jay!" Tim called out, trying to get him to stop running

"Stop!" he yelled, slowing down slowly till he completely stopped, panting he dropped the ground.

Alex lead Brian though the forest, bringing him in circles, Brian fired his rifle and to his surprise, Alex managed to dodge

"son of a bitch" he cursed, reloaded and continued chasing.

Tim panted as feet came into view, he looked up to see Jay standing in front of him.

"How are you---" jay stepped didn't let him finish and stepped aside, Tim's eyes widened as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Brian chased Alex till he seemingly vanished, he looked around and saw what looked like to be the pattern of Toby's sweater, he walked towards it to be met with...





Tim  staring in shock on the ground,

"no, no, no, no, no," Tim repeated, standing up and stumbling forward, towards the boy hanging, tears in his eyes. He touched Toby's leg to see if it was real, Toby's foot swung when Tim pushed on it, Brian stared from the side as his best friend dropping to the floor, his facial expression was a mix of shock and pain as he began sobbing into his hands, Brian gagged

"fuck, I'm going to throw up," Brian mumbled and walked a little bit away to puke then went back to comfort Tim.

He pulled his best friend into his arms,

"this isn't real..." Tim murmured then looked at Brian,

"Tell me that this isn't real," he pleaded, Brian looked down, Tim put his head on Brian,s chest, crying as brian looked up to Toby, tears coming to his own eyes when he accepted that this was real...

or was it

((YumMy NummY ChApTer DoNE))

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