➳₈ future

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Ella's pov

I went downstairs to see Abraxas playing with Lucius as I smelled something burnt.

"I made breakfast!" Abraxas yelled seeing me.

"Did you?" I questioned as Abraxas slightly hide behind the wall with Lucius in front of him.

"Attempted." I went in the kitchen with the two following me to see attempted pancakes. They were broken and burnt.

"Can you make pancakes, Mommy?" Lucius asked looking up at me as he grabbed onto my leg.

"Aren't Daddy's good?" He shook his head causing me to chuckle.

I looked at Abraxas to see him looking at my stomach. I didn't have a shirt on because it was July and hot as can be. I only had a shirt on that I cut from when I was previously pregnant with Lucius.

"Are-are you pregnant?" Abraxas stuttered looking at me, I nodded smiling. I was slightly showing.

He smiled and hugged me. He let go and ran around the house yelling we're having another baby so I made new pancakes with the help of Lucius. Abraxas ran back in and hugged me once again.

"The pancakes are burning!" I exclaimed but he ignored me. Eventually he let go to take a bite of one of the pancakes I made. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and stuck his face in the crook of my neck.

"This is our one day." He said making me turn around to face him.

I nodded and kissed him.

"One day."

{an: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS TERRIBLE TRILOGY! If you've read this before thank you for reading it again!}

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