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•Y/n's Pov•

I sighed as I was at their door 'close one y/n..'
I knocked on their door, for it to be opened by masky
"Hey.. Slender wants us to do a mission.." "AGAIN?!" I sighed as I nodded sadly "yes..he said once we get this one done and another then we'll be taking a break for...1 month" "I hope"

=On the mission=

"Hey masky, hey masky, hey masky"
Masky ignored him for the millionth time, "Hey..y-y/n..how long..is the mission... supposed..to take?" Asked hoodie "he said..2 months?..I wasn't really paying attention" I laughed nervously

He face palmed "Of course..you didn't"

_A week later_

_Liu's Pov_

I sighed as I sat on the couch watching TV..well was until I started to think
'i wonder when she'll come back..' 'Someone already missing her?.. thought you didn't like her'   'i-i.. don't' I lied..I mean..if I did he'll probably tell the whole world..or something..but I Will not have feeling's for nobody! 'oh~? Is that so? I hope you know Liu that we share a body..so I'll now' Sully said before chuckling then stopping "tch..as if..even if it's true, she probably wouldn't give a sh**" I sighed before getting up and walking out of the room before exiting the house "where are we going?" "Just going for a walk" I heard Sully sigh a bit before going quiet

Y/n's Pov

I yawned and stretched for a bit before getting up and checking my surroundings 'okay nothing odd going on..maybe I could get a quick kill before netting up with the group' I moved towards a little town "still morning..so maybe someone in the house will have breakfast ready before I get there" I nodded my head and starting walking towards the town

And here is the update! Sorry for posting in a while ;-; but I'm back! But I do really apologize for such short chapters and not updating a lot,  I will update this book but I am very sorry because atethe book will be updating very very slowly

And sorry for the short chapter again ;--; see you guys in the next chapter! And thank you guys for being patient for the update!

(Sorry for any grammar mistakes!)

also forgotten to add that the reader is 17 years old if I'm think correctly 😂, forgotten to add that part, I'll do an info chapter next time ;-; so HOPEFULLY I don't confuse anyone!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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